open System open System.Collections.Generic open System.Reflection open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection type Message = string exception TypeResolutionException of Message * Type type Lifetime = Singleton | Transient type AbstractType = Type type ConcreteType = Type type private Constructor = Reflected of ConcreteType | Factory of (unit -> obj) let private (|FunType|_|) t = if FSharpType.IsFunction t then FSharpType.GetFunctionElements t |> Some else None let private asOption = function Choice1Of2 x -> Some x | Choice2Of2 _ -> None /// IoC Container type Container () as container = let catalog = Dictionary() let singletons = Dictionary() let rec tryResolve cs t = match catalog.TryGetValue t with | true, (Reflected u , lifetime) -> tryObtain u (fun () -> tryReflect cs u) lifetime | true, (Factory f, lifetime) -> tryObtain t (fun () -> f() |> Choice1Of2) lifetime | false, _ -> tryObtain t (fun () -> tryReflect cs t) Singleton and tryObtain t f lifetime = match singletons.TryGetValue t with | true, value -> Choice1Of2(value) | false, _ -> let result = f() result |> function Choice1Of2 value -> store t value lifetime | Choice2Of2 _ -> () result and store t value = function Singleton -> singletons.Add(t,value) | Transient -> () and tryReflect cs t = if cs |> List.exists ((=) t) then Choice2Of2 "Cycle detected" else tryConstructors (t::cs) t and tryConstructors cs t = let constructors = t.GetConstructors() |> Array.sortBy (fun c -> c.GetParameters().Length) |> (tryConstructor cs) match constructors |> Seq.tryPick asOption with | Some value -> Choice1Of2 value | None -> constructorsError t constructors |> Choice2Of2 and constructorsError t constructors = let constructors = constructors |> (function Choice1Of2 _ -> "" | Choice2Of2 x -> x) "Failed to match constructor from:\r\n" + (constructors |> String.concat "\r\n") and tryConstructor cs ci = let ps = ci.GetParameters() let args = ps |> (fun p -> tryResolveArgument cs p.ParameterType) let args' = args |> Array.choose asOption if args'.Length = ps.Length then args' |> ci.Invoke |> Choice1Of2 else constructorError ci.DeclaringType ps args |> Choice2Of2 and constructorError t ps args = let ps = ps |> (fun p -> p.Name + ":" + p.ParameterType.Name) let invalidArgs = args |> Seq.choose (function Choice2Of2 s -> Some s | Choice1Of2 _ -> None) t.Name + "(" + (String.concat "," ps) + ") -> " + (String.concat "\r\n" invalidArgs) and tryResolveArgument cs t = match t with | FunType(arg,result) when arg = typeof -> FSharpValue.MakeFunction(t,fun args -> container.Resolve(result)) |> Choice1Of2 | t when t.IsPrimitive -> Choice2Of2 "Primitive arguments not supported" | t when t = typeof -> Choice2Of2 "String arguments not supported" | t -> tryResolve cs t /// Register sequence of abstract types against specified concrete type member container.Register(abstractTypes:AbstractType seq, concreteType:ConcreteType) = for t in abstractTypes do catalog.Add(t, (Reflected concreteType, Singleton)) /// Register abstract type against specified type instance member container.Register<'TAbstract>(instance:'TAbstract) = catalog.Add(typeof<'TAbstract>, (Reflected typeof<'TAbstract>, Singleton)) singletons.Add(typeof<'TAbstract>, instance) /// Register abstract type against specified concrete type with given lifetime member container.Register<'TAbstract when 'TAbstract : not struct> (concreteType:ConcreteType, lifetime:Lifetime) = let abstractType = typeof<'TAbstract> if concreteType <> abstractType && not (concreteType.IsSubclassOf(abstractType)) && not (concreteType.GetInterfaces() |> Array.exists ((=) abstractType)) then invalidArg "concreteType" "Concrete type must implement abstract type" catalog.Add(abstractType, (Reflected concreteType, lifetime)) /// Register abstract type against specified factory with given lifetime member container.Register<'TAbstract when 'TAbstract : not struct> (f:unit->'TAbstract, lifetime:Lifetime) = catalog.Add(typeof<'TAbstract>, (Factory(f >> box), lifetime)) /// Resolve instance of specified abstract type member container.Resolve<'TAbstract when 'TAbstract : not struct>() = container.Resolve(typeof<'TAbstract>) :?> 'TAbstract /// Resolve instsance of specified abstract type member container.Resolve(abstractType:AbstractType) = match tryResolve [] abstractType with | Choice1Of2 value -> value | Choice2Of2 message -> TypeResolutionException(message,abstractType) |> raise /// Remove instance reference from container member container.Release(instance:obj) = singletons |> Seq.filter (fun pair -> pair.Value = instance) |> Seq.toList |> List.iter (fun pair -> singletons.Remove(pair.Key) |> ignore) open NUnit.Framework [] module ``Container Register, Resolve, Release Tests`` = [] type AbstractType () = do () type ConcreteType () = inherit AbstractType() type IMarkerInterface = interface end type MarkedType () = interface IMarkerInterface let [] ``registering 2 instances of an abstract type in a single container should throw`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) Assert.Throws(fun () -> container.Register(typeof, Singleton) |> ignore ) |> ignore let [] ``registering a concrete type that does not implement the abstract type should throw`` () = let container = Container() Assert.Throws(fun () -> container.Register(typeof, Singleton) ) |> ignore let [] ``attempting to resolve an unregistered type should throw`` () = let container = Container() Assert.Throws(fun () -> container.Resolve() |> ignore ) |> ignore let [] ``resolving a registered abstract type should return an instance of the specified concrete type`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) let instance = container.Resolve() Assert.True(instance :? ConcreteType) let [] ``resolving a type with a singleton lifetime should always return the same instance`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) let a = container.Resolve() let b = container.Resolve() Assert.True( Object.ReferenceEquals(a,b) ) let [] ``resolving a type with a transient lifetime should a new instance each time`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Transient) let a = container.Resolve() let b = container.Resolve() Assert.AreNotSame(a,b) let [] ``resolving a registered instance of a type should return that instance`` () = let container = Container() let this = ConcreteType() container.Register(this) let that = container.Resolve() Assert.AreSame(this, that) let [] ``resolving a type registered as a factory should call the specified factory`` () = let called = ref false let factory = fun () -> called := true; ConcreteType() :> AbstractType let container = Container() container.Register(factory, Singleton) container.Resolve() |> ignore Assert.True( called.Value ) let [] ``releasing a registered concrete instance then resolving the type should return a new concrete instance`` () = let container = Container() let this = ConcreteType() container.Register(this) container.Release(this) let that = container.Resolve() Assert.True( not <| Object.ReferenceEquals(this, that) ) do ``registering 2 instances of an abstract type in a single container should throw`` () ``attempting to resolve an unregistered type should throw`` () ``resolving a registered abstract type should return an instance of the specified concrete type`` () ``resolving a type with a singleton lifetime should always return the same instance`` () ``resolving a type with a transient lifetime should a new instance each time`` () ``resolving a registered instance of a type should return that instance`` () ``resolving a type registered as a factory should call the specified factory`` () ``releasing a registered concrete instance then resolving the type should return a new concrete instance`` () [] module ``Constructor Tests`` = [] type AbstractType () = do () type ConstructorWithValueTypeArg (arg:int) = inherit AbstractType() let [] ``resolving type with value type dependency in constructor should throw`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) Assert.Throws(fun () -> container.Resolve() |> ignore ) |> ignore type ReferenceType() = do () type ConstructorWithReferenceTypeArg (arg:ReferenceType) = inherit AbstractType() let [] ``resolving type with reference type dependency in constructor should inject reference`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) let instance = container.Resolve() Assert.NotNull(instance) type ConstructorWithSelfReferenceArg (arg:AbstractType) = inherit AbstractType() let [] ``resolving type with self type dependency in constructor should fail`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) Assert.Throws(fun () -> container.Resolve() |> ignore ) |> ignore type Cyclic(arg:ConstructorWithCyclicReferenceArg) = do () and ConstructorWithCyclicReferenceArg (arg:Cyclic) = do () let [] ``resolving type with cyclic type dependency in constructor should fail`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) Assert.Throws(fun () -> container.Resolve() |> ignore ) |> ignore type ConstructorWithFunArg (arg:unit -> ReferenceType) = inherit AbstractType() member this.Factory () = arg() let [] ``resolving type with fun type argument in constructor should inject factory`` () = let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) let instance = container.Resolve() :?> ConstructorWithFunArg let refValue = instance.Factory() Assert.NotNull(refValue) do ``resolving type with value type dependency in constructor should throw`` () ``resolving type with reference type dependency in constructor should inject reference`` () ``resolving type with self type dependency in constructor should fail`` () ``resolving type with cyclic type dependency in constructor should fail`` () ``resolving type with fun type argument in constructor should inject factory`` () module Usage = type ICalculate = abstract member Incr : int -> int type Calculator () = interface ICalculate with member this.Incr(x:int) = x + 1 let container = Container() container.Register(typeof, Singleton) let calc = container.Resolve() printfn "%d" (calc.Incr 1) container.Release(calc)