open Pit open Pit.Dom open Pit.Javascript module App = (*[omit:(helper functions omitted)]*) type DomAttribute = { Name:string; Value:obj } let [] (@=) name (value:'a) = { Name=name; Value=box value } let [] tag name (attributes:DomAttribute list) = let el = document.CreateElement(name) for a in attributes do el.SetAttribute(a.Name,a.Value.ToString()) el type Delay = Delay of int type DelayBuilder() = [] member x.Bind(Delay t, f:unit->unit) = window.SetTimeout(f, t) |> ignore [] member x.Return(t) = fun () -> t [] member x.Delay(f:unit->'a) = f() [] member x.Zero () = () let [] delay = DelayBuilder() (*[/omit]*) let rec [] start (root:DomElement) = let addButton (total:int) = let button = tag "input" ["type"@="submit"; "value"@="Play " + total.ToString(); "style"@="font-size:large;margin:4px"] button |> |> Event.add (fun _ -> countdown total root) root.AppendChild button addButton 5 addButton 10 addButton 20 and [] countdown total (root:DomElement) = delay { root.InnerHTML <- "3" do! Delay 1000 root.InnerHTML <- "2" do! Delay 1000 root.InnerHTML <- "1" do! Delay 1000 root.InnerHTML <- "Go" do! Delay 1000 play total root } and [] play total (root:DomElement) = let started = Date().GetTime() let question = tag "div" ["style"@="font-size:x-large;text-align:center"] let answer = tag "input" ["type"@="text";"size"@="3"; "style"@="width:100px;font-size:x-large;text-align:center"] |> DomInput.Of let showQuestion () = root.InnerHTML <- "" root.AppendChild question root.AppendChild answer showQuestion () let expected, asked = ref 42, ref "7 x 6" let ask () = let next () = Math.random() * 13.0 |> Math.floor |> int let a, b = next(), next() expected := a * b asked := a.ToString() + " x " + b.ToString() question.InnerHTML <- !asked answer.Value <- "" answer.Focus() ask () let count, score = ref 0, ref 0 let toint (f:float) = int f answer |> Event.keydown |> Event.filter (fun e -> e.KeyCode = 13 && JsString(answer.Value).Length > 0) |> Event.add (fun _ -> let value = answer.Value |> int let cont() = count := !count + 1 if !count = total then let finished = Date().GetTime() let ms = float (finished - started) let seconds = ms / 1000.0 |> toint finish seconds !score !count root else ask() if value = !expected then score := !score + 1 cont() else delay { root.InnerHTML <- !asked + " = " + (!expected).ToString() do! Delay 3000 showQuestion() cont() } ) and [] finish seconds score count (root:DomElement) = root.InnerHTML <- "" let div = tag "div" ["style"@="font-size:x-large;text-align:center"] root.AppendChild div div.InnerHTML <- score.ToString() + " / " + count.ToString() + " in " + seconds.ToString() + "s" delay { do! Delay 10000 root.InnerHTML <- "" start root } [] let main () = document.GetElementById("maindiv") |> start