open System type 'a Parser = Parser of (char list -> ('a * char list) list) let parse (Parser p) = p type ParserBuilder () = member x.Return a = Parser (fun cs -> [a, cs]) member x.Bind (p, f) = Parser (fun cs -> match parse p cs with | (c', cs')::_ -> parse (f c') cs' | [] -> [] ) member x.Zero () = Parser (fun _ -> []) member x.ReturnFrom a = a let parser = ParserBuilder() let item = Parser (function [] -> [] | c::cs -> [c, cs]) let sat pred = parser { let! c = item if pred c then return c } let tChar c = sat ((=) c) /// Concatenates the results of applying parser p and parser q let (<+>) p q = Parser (fun cs -> (parse p cs) @ (parse q cs)) /// Applies parser p or parser q and returns at most one result let (<|>) p q = Parser (fun cs -> match (parse (p <+> q) cs) with | [] -> [] | x::xs -> [x] ) /// Given a char list, returns a parser that parsers it let rec text = function | [] -> parser { return [] } | c::cs -> parser { let! _ = tChar c let! _ = text cs return c::cs } /// Combines many (0 or more) applications of parser p let rec many p = (many1 p) <|> parser { return [] } /// Combines at least one (1 or more) applications of parser p and many1 p = parser { let! r = p let! rs = many p return r::rs } /// Combines 0 or more applications of parser p separated by parser sep let rec sepby p sep = (sepby1 p sep) <|> parser { return [] } /// Combines 1 or more applications of parser p separated by parser sep and sepby1 p sep = parser { let! r = p let! rs = many (parser { let! _ = sep return! p }) return r::rs } /// Chain 0 or more applications of parser p separated by applications of parser op let rec chainl p op a = (chainl1 p op) <|> parser { return a } /// Chain 1 or more applications of parser p separated by applications of parser op and chainl1 p op = let rec rest r = parser { let! f = op let! r' = p return! rest (f r r') } <|> parser {return r} parser { let! a = p in return! rest a } let isSpace = // list of "space" chars based on // let cs = [' '; '\t'; '\n'; '\r'; '\f'; '\v'] |> Set.ofList cs.Contains let space = many (sat isSpace) let token p = parser { let! r = p let! _ = space return r } let symb = text >> token let apply p = parse (parser { let! _ = space let! r = p return r }) let s2cs = List.ofSeq let cs2s cs = new String(Array.ofList cs) let runParser p = s2cs >> apply p >> function | [] -> failwith "Error parsing input string." | (result,_)::_ -> result