open System.Collections open System.Collections.Generic type InfiniteLazyList<'T> = | (::) of ('T * Lazy>) interface IEnumerable<'T> with member this.GetEnumerator() = let head :: tail = this let s = seq { yield head yield! tail.Value :> IEnumerable<_> } s.GetEnumerator() interface IEnumerable with member this.GetEnumerator() = (this :> IEnumerable<'T>).GetEnumerator() :> _ module InfiniteLazyList = let initInfinite initializer = let rec loop i = initializer i :: lazy loop (i + 1) loop 0 let where pred list = let rec loop = function | head :: tail -> if pred head then head :: lazy loop tail.Value else loop tail.Value loop list /// let rec sieve = function | head :: tail -> let tail' = tail.Value |> InfiniteLazyList.where (fun n -> n % head > 0) head :: lazy (sieve tail') let primes count = InfiniteLazyList.initInfinite (fun n -> n + 2) |> sieve |> Seq.take count |> Seq.toArray [] let main argv = printfn "%A" (primes 100) 0