open System.Text open System.IO open System.Net // URL of a simple page that takes two HTTP POST parameters. See the // form that submits there: let url = "" // Create & configure HTTP web request let req = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) :?> HttpWebRequest req.ProtocolVersion <- HttpVersion.Version10 req.Method <- "POST" // Encode body with POST data as array of bytes let postBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("fname=Tomas&lname=Petricek") req.ContentType <- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.ContentLength <- int64 postBytes.Length // Write data to the request let reqStream = req.GetRequestStream() reqStream.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length); reqStream.Close() // Obtain response and download the resulting page // (The sample contains the first & last name from POST data) let resp = req.GetResponse() let stream = resp.GetResponseStream() let reader = new StreamReader(stream) let html = reader.ReadToEnd()