open MongoDB.Bson open MongoDB.Bson.IO open MongoDB.Driver ​ /// /// Contains functions for communicating with MongoDB. /// module Mongo = /// /// Stores a document in the MongoDB target. /// let store (connection : string) database collection document = let client = new MongoClient(connection) let db = database |> client.GetDatabase let collection = collection |> db.GetCollection let document = document |> BsonDocument.Parse document |> collection.InsertOne let settings = JsonWriterSettings() settings.OutputMode <- JsonOutputMode.Strict let document = document.ToJson(settings) document ​ /// /// Reads a document or documents from the MongoDB target. /// let read (connection : string) database collection (filter : string option) = let client = new MongoClient(connection) let db = database |> client.GetDatabase let collection = collection |> db.GetCollection let cursor : IAsyncCursor = collection.FindSync( filter |> (BsonDocument.Parse >> FilterDefinition.op_Implicit) |> Option.defaultValue FilterDefinition.Empty) let settings = JsonWriterSettings() settings.OutputMode <- JsonOutputMode.Strict let rec readDoc docs = if cursor.MoveNext() |> not then docs else let batch = cursor.Current batch |> Seq.toArray |> (fun d -> d.ToJson(settings)) |> Array.append docs |> readDoc readDoc [| |]