open System open System.Windows open System.Windows.Controls open System.Windows.Media let defaultSize = 10 , 10 let bombRate = 0.11 // functions let rand = let rand = new Random() in rand.NextDouble let neighbours (width,height) (pos:int) = seq { let range x bound = [max 0 (x-1) .. min bound (x+1)] for x in range (pos%width) (width-1) do for y in range (pos/width) (height-1) do let p = x + y * width in if p <> pos then yield p } // WPF let appendTo (panel:Panel) uie = panel.Children.Add uie |> ignore uie let dockTo(panel:DockPanel) dock (uie:#UIElement) = DockPanel.SetDock(uie,dock) appendTo panel uie type MyComboBox(text) as this = inherit StackPanel(Orientation=Orientation.Vertical) let textBlock = new TextBlock(Text=text,Foreground=Brushes.White) |> appendTo this let listBox = new ListBox() |> appendTo this do for x in 4 .. 2 .. 30 do listBox.Items.Add x |> ignore listBox.SelectedItem <- 10 member __.Value = listBox.SelectedItem :?> int // view let window = Window(Background=Brushes.BlueViolet,ResizeMode=ResizeMode.NoResize) window.Title <- "FineSweeper" let dpMain = new DockPanel() window.Content <- dpMain let spsize = new StackPanel(Orientation=Orientation.Horizontal) |> dockTo dpMain Dock.Left let comboBoxWidth = new MyComboBox("X") |> appendTo spsize let comboBoxHeight = new MyComboBox("Y") |> appendTo spsize let buttonInit = new Button(Content="Replay") |> dockTo dpMain Dock.Top let canvas = new Canvas() |> appendTo dpMain let initButtons(lenX,lenY) = let f(pos:int) = let b = new Button(Width=20. , Height=20.) Canvas.SetLeft(b, float(pos%lenX*20)) Canvas.SetTop(b, float(pos/lenX*20)) canvas.Children.Add b|> ignore b Array.init (lenX*lenY) f // model type State = Normal | Pushed | Flaged type Square = {Button:Button; mutable state:State; IsBomb:bool; BombNum:int; Neighbours:seq } with member this.State with get() = this.state and set value = this.state <- value let pushedText = if this.IsBomb then "※" else string this.BombNum match value with |Normal->true,"" |Pushed->false,pushedText |Flaged->true, "¶" |> fun (isEnabled,text) -> this.Button.IsEnabled <- isEnabled this.Button.Content <- text #nowarn "40" let initSquares (lenX,lenY) : Square [] = let buttons = initButtons (lenX,lenY) let bombs : bool[] = Array.init (lenX*lenY) (fun _ -> rand() < bombRate) let rec squares = Array.init (lenX*lenY) (fun p-> let neighbours = neighbours(lenX,lenY) p let bombNum = neighbours |> Seq.filter(fun p -> bombs.[p]) |> Seq.length let neighbours = neighbours |> p -> squares.[p]) {Button=buttons.[p]; state=Normal; IsBomb=bombs.[p]; BombNum=bombNum; Neighbours=neighbours}) squares let changeSqs sq = let examined = ResizeArray() let rec f(s:Square) = if not(examined.Contains s) && not(s.IsBomb) then examined.Add s if s.BombNum = 0 then Seq.iter f s.Neighbours f sq ; examined // controller let onInit () = canvas.Children.Clear() let lenX,lenY = comboBoxWidth.Value , comboBoxHeight.Value let squares = initSquares(lenX,lenY) let onGameEnd text = MessageBox.Show text |> ignore for sq in squares do sq.State <- Pushed let onCheck () = if squares |> Seq.forall(fun sq->sq.State<>Normal || sq.IsBomb) then onGameEnd "You win!!" let onClick(sq:Square) = if sq.State = Normal then if sq.IsBomb then onGameEnd "You lose!!" else for sq in changeSqs sq do sq.State <- Pushed onCheck() let onRightClick (sq:Square) = sq.State <- if sq.State = Normal then Flaged else Normal for {Button=b} as sq in squares do b.Click.Add(fun _ -> onClick sq ) b.MouseRightButtonDown.Add(fun _ -> onRightClick sq ; onCheck()) window.Width <- lenX * 20 + 55 |> float window.Height <- lenY * 20 + 60 |> float buttonInit.Click.Add(fun _-> onInit()) [][] let main _ = onInit() (Application()).Run window