module SampleModelP open System open Microsoft.ML open Microsoft.ML.StaticPipe open Microsoft.ML.Data.IO open System.IO (* Contrast two snippets of code to highlight usefulness of F# anonymous records. Evquivalent code, based on F# 4.5 syntax, is here: The marker '//***' is used to explain anonmyous record usage in comments below *) module Train = (* Data: download test / train datasets from here: *) //*** change this for your run let dataPath = @"C:\s\repodata\hpto\train.txt" //train the model using the supplied hyperparameters //and print its performance results let trainModel (hp:{|Trees:int; Leaves:int; LearningRate:float |}) = //*** anonymous rec as function args let ctx = MLContext(Nullable 10) let reader = TextLoaderStatic.CreateReader( ctx, (fun (c:TextLoaderStatic.Context) -> {| //*** Label=c.LoadBool(0) //create anonymous record Text =c.LoadText(1) //with labeled fields |}), separator = '\t', hasHeader = true) let trainData = reader.Read(dataPath) let pipeline = (reader :> SchemaBearing<_>).MakeNewEstimator() //*** upcasting required here as inference does not work .Append(fun a_rec -> let features = a_rec.Text.FeaturizeText() //*** get field of a-rec by name let score = // (no need to deconstruct tuple) ctx.BinaryClassification.Trainers.FastTree( a_rec.Label, //*** same here features, numTrees= hp.Trees, numLeaves = hp.Leaves, learningRate = hp.LearningRate, minDatapointsInLeaves=20 ) {| a_rec with //*** extend a_rec to include Features = features // features and score values Score = score |}) //perform 5-fold crossvalidation and print results to gauge model performance let metrics = ctx.BinaryClassification.CrossValidate(trainData, pipeline, (fun x->x.Label) , numFolds=5) let m = metrics |> struct(m,a,b)->m.Auc) |> Seq.average printfn "trees=%d, leaves=%d, lr=%f -> %f" hp.Trees hp.Leaves hp.LearningRate m {| Metric=m; Model=pipeline; Data=trainData|} //*** return anonymous record with info needed for prediction //generate predictions from the model let pred() = let hp = {|Trees=50; Leaves=50; LearningRate=0.1 |} //*** model hyperparameters let modelInfo = trainModel hp //play with hyperparameters to get better performance results //try various values for #trees #leaves and learning rate //alternatively try a hyperparameter optimization framework //e.g. let mdl = modelInfo.Model.Fit(modelInfo.Data) //fit model to data using the chosen hyperparameters let predictions = mdl.Transform(modelInfo.Data) //generate predictions using same data for now //in reality you will likely generate predcitions //a record at a time with new data as //it becomes available //code below saves predictions to a text file let ctx = MLContext(Nullable 10) let txa = TextSaver.Arguments() txa.OutputHeader <-true txa.OutputSchema <- true let tx = TextSaver(ctx,txa) use fn = File.Create(@"C:\repodata\hpopt\t1.txt") let s = predictions.AsDynamic.Schema //*** *very useful* // field names from anonymous records are // are preserved in the schema for the data for c in 0 .. s.Count-1 do //*** print field names - these come from printfn "%A - %A" (s.Item(c).Name) (s.[c].Type) // anonymous records used before //actual field names printed by code: //"Label" - Bool //"Text" - Text //"Features" - Vec //"PredictedLabel" - Bool //"Score" - R4 //"Probability" - R4 //"Score.Item1" - R4 //"Score.Item2" - R4 //"Score.Item3" - Bool tx.SaveData(fn,predictions.AsDynamic,0,3,4) //save selected fields from the schema to text file //Note: Here (for now) you have to switch to dynamic DataView //and use indices for the columns you want output