module Model open System open Microsoft.ML open Microsoft.ML.StaticPipe (* Nuget pacakges: Microsoft.ML (0.9.0) Microsoft.ML.StaticPipe (0.9.0) Data: download test / train datasets from here: Other Documentation: This sample uses the 0.9.0 'static' pipeline API and is based on MS documentation located here: - *Note: At the time of writing, the code in the above page seems to be based on v 0.7.0 and looks quite different from what is shown here. *) let trainDataPath = @"C:\Users\fwaris\Source\Repos\MLNetTest\MLNetTestF\Data\Train.txt" let testDataPath = @"C:\Users\fwaris\Source\Repos\MLNetTest\MLNetTestF\Data\Test.txt" let modelPath = @"C:\Users\fwaris\Source\Repos\MLNetTest\MLNetTestF\Data\" //load data, train and evaluate the model let train_and_test() = let ctx = MLContext(Nullable 10) let reader = TextLoaderStatic.CreateReader( ctx, (fun (c:TextLoaderStatic.Context) -> struct ( c.LoadBool(0), c.LoadText(1) )), separator = '\t', hasHeader = true) let trainData = reader.Read(trainDataPath) let testData = reader.Read(testDataPath) let pipeline = reader .MakeNewEstimator() .Append(fun struct (lbl,text) -> let features = text.FeaturizeText() let struct(score,probability,predictedLabel) = ctx.BinaryClassification.Trainers.FastTree( lbl, features, numTrees= 50, numLeaves = 50, minDatapointsInLeaves=20 ) struct( lbl, text, features, score, probability, predictedLabel )) let model = pipeline.Fit(trainData) let predictions = model.Transform(testData) let label struct (lbl,text,features,score,prob,predLbl) = lbl let pred struct (lbl,text,features,score,prob,predLbl) = struct(score,prob,predLbl) let metrics = ctx.BinaryClassification.Evaluate( predictions, label = label, pred = pred) printfn "Accuracy = %0.2f, AUC = %0.2f, F1 = %0.2f" metrics.Accuracy metrics.Auc metrics.F1Score