module FPGrowth //An implementation of frequent pattern growth algorithm to find frequent itemsets //(generates only frequent itemsets; does not mine association rules) open System.Collections.Generic type Node<'i> = { Item:'i mutable Support: int; Children:Dictionary<'i,Node<'i>> } type Root<'i> = {Heads:Dictionary<'i,Node<'i>>} type TableEntry<'i>= {Item:'i; Frequency:int} type Tree<'i> = {Root:Root<'i>} type Path<'i> = {Items:'i list; Support:int} let private yourself x = x //scan transactions and find frequency of each distinct item //sort results in descending order of frequency let initTable (transactions:seq<'id*Set<'item>>) = let freq = transactions |> Seq.collect snd |> Seq.countBy yourself let table = freq |> (fun (i,c) -> {Item=i; Frequency=c}) |> Seq.sortBy (fun te -> -te.Frequency) |> Seq.toArray table //sort items in each *transaction* by descending order of (global) item frequency (calculated in initTable) let sortTransactions (transactions:seq<'id*Set<'item>>) (table:TableEntry<'item>[]) = let tblIdx = table |> (fun te -> te.Item, te ) |> dict let sorted = transactions |> (fun (id,s)-> id, s |> Seq.filter (fun item -> tblIdx.ContainsKey item) |> Seq.sortByDescending (fun item -> tblIdx.[item].Frequency) |> Seq.toArray) |> Seq.toArray sorted //insert item (should be the first item of each transaction) into the root of the tree let insertRoot (r:Root<_>) item = let node = match r.Heads.TryGetValue item with | true,n -> n | false,_ -> let n = {Item=item; Support=0; Children=Dictionary()} r.Heads.Add(item,n) n node.Support <- node.Support + 1 //count how times this item shows up as the first element of sorted transactions node //insert a transaction item into the tree let insertNode (r:Node<_>) item = let node = match r.Children.TryGetValue item with | true,n -> n | false,_ -> let n = {Item=item; Support=0; Children=Dictionary()} r.Children.Add(item,n) n node.Support <- node.Support + 1 //count how times this item shows in association with other items along the path to the root node //recursively insert items of a (sorted) transaction into the tree let rec insert acc tree (items:array<_>) i = if i >= items.Length then acc else let item = items.[i] let n = if i = 0 then insertRoot tree.Root item else let prev = List.head acc insertNode prev item insert (n::acc) tree items (i+1) let makeTree (transactions:seq<'id*Set<'item>>) = let table = initTable transactions let sorted = sortTransactions transactions table let tree = {Root={Heads=Dictionary()}} let _ = (tree,sorted) ||> Array.fold (fun tree (_,sortedTxns) -> let _ = insert [] tree sortedTxns 0 tree ) tree let rec mineNode acc (node:Node<_>) = if node.Children.Count = 0 then //leaf seq{yield {Items=acc; Support=node.Support}} else let acc = node.Item::acc //combine path items node.Children |> Seq.collect (fun kv->mineNode acc kv.Value) //PSeq seems to be much slower for test data // let allCombinations lst = let rec comb accLst elemLst = match elemLst with | h::t -> let next = [h] (fun el -> h::el) accLst @ accLst comb next t | _ -> accLst comb [] lst let mineTree support (tree:Tree<_>) = let paths = tree.Root.Heads |> Seq.collect (fun kv->mineNode [] kv.Value) //find support for each path from root to leaf paths |> Seq.collect (fun {Items=is;Support=c} -> let combos = allCombinations is |> set //explode all possible combinations of items in the path combos |> (fun combo -> combo,c)) //associate them with support from this path |> Seq.filter (fun (combo,_) -> Set.isEmpty combo |> not) //filter out empty sets |> Seq.groupBy fst //group by each combination of items generated earlier |> (fun (k,vs)->k,vs|>Seq.sumBy snd) //sum up individual supports for each group into total support |> Seq.filter (fun (_,s)-> s >= support) //filter out combinations that fall below the specified support threshold (* usage #load "FPGrowth.fs" open FPGrowth let transactions = //each character in the strings below is a transaction item [|"abcefo"; "acg"; "ei"; "acdeg"; "acegl"; "ej"; "abcefp"; "acd"; "acegm"; "acegn"|] |> Array.mapi (fun i s-> i,s |> Seq.toList |> set) let support = 3 let tree = makeTree transactions //make a compressed representation of the transactions let frequentItems = mineTree support tree |> Seq.toList > val frequentItems : (Set * int) list = [(set ['a'], 8); (set ['a'; 'c'], 8); (set ['a'; 'c'; 'e'], 6); (set ['a'; 'e'], 6); (set ['c'], 8); (set ['c'; 'e'], 6); (set ['e'], 8); (set ['a'; 'c'; 'e'; 'g'], 4); (set ['a'; 'c'; 'g'], 4); (set ['a'; 'e'; 'g'], 4); (set ['a'; 'g'], 4); (set ['c'; 'e'; 'g'], 4); (set ['c'; 'g'], 4); (set ['e'; 'g'], 4); (set ['g'], 4)] *)