open System open System.Collections.Concurrent open System.Collections.Generic open System.Timers type CacheExpirationPolicy = | NoExpiration | AbsoluteExpiration of TimeSpan | SlidingExpiration of TimeSpan type CacheEntryExpiration = | NeverExpires | ExpiresAt of DateTime | ExpiresAfter of TimeSpan type CacheEntry<'key, 'value> = { Key: 'key Value: 'value Expiration: CacheEntryExpiration LastUsage: DateTime } module CacheExpiration = let isExpired (entry: CacheEntry<_,_>) = match entry.Expiration with | NeverExpires -> false | ExpiresAt date -> DateTime.UtcNow > date | ExpiresAfter window -> (DateTime.UtcNow - entry.LastUsage) > window type private IMemoryCacheStore<'key, 'value> = inherit IEnumerable> abstract member Add: CacheEntry<'key, 'value> -> unit abstract member GetOrAdd: 'key -> ('key -> CacheEntry<'key, 'value>) -> CacheEntry<'key, 'value> abstract member Remove: 'key -> unit abstract member Contains: 'key -> bool abstract member Update: 'key -> (CacheEntry<'key, 'value> -> CacheEntry<'key, 'value>) -> unit abstract member TryFind: 'key -> CacheEntry<'key, 'value> option type MemoryCache<'key, 'value> (?cacheExpirationPolicy) = let policy = defaultArg cacheExpirationPolicy NoExpiration let store = let entries = ConcurrentDictionary<'key, CacheEntry<'key, 'value>>() let get, getEnumerator = let values = entries |> (fun kvp -> kvp.Value) (fun () -> values), (fun () -> values.GetEnumerator()) {new IMemoryCacheStore<'key, 'value> with member __.Add entry = entries.AddOrUpdate(entry.Key, entry, fun _ _ -> entry) |> ignore member __.GetOrAdd key getValue = entries.GetOrAdd(key, getValue) member __.Remove key = entries.TryRemove key |> ignore member __.Contains key = entries.ContainsKey key member __.Update key update = match entries.TryGetValue(key) with | (true, entry) -> entries.AddOrUpdate(key, entry, fun _ entry -> update entry) |> ignore | _ -> () member __.TryFind key = match entries.TryGetValue(key) with | (true, entry) -> Some entry | _ -> None member __.GetEnumerator () = getEnumerator () member __.GetEnumerator () = getEnumerator () :> Collections.IEnumerator } let checkExpiration () = store |> Seq.filter CacheExpiration.isExpired |> (fun entry -> entry.Key) |> Seq.iter store.Remove let newCacheEntry key value = { Key = key Value = value Expiration = match policy with | NoExpiration -> NeverExpires | AbsoluteExpiration time -> ExpiresAt (DateTime.UtcNow + time) | SlidingExpiration window -> ExpiresAfter window LastUsage = DateTime.UtcNow } let add key value = if key |> store.Contains then store.Update key (fun entry -> {entry with Value = value; LastUsage = DateTime.UtcNow}) else store.Add <| newCacheEntry key value let remove key = store.Remove key let get key = store.TryFind key |> Option.bind (fun entry -> Some entry.Value) let getOrAdd key value = store.GetOrAdd key (fun _ -> newCacheEntry key value) |> fun entry -> entry.Value let getOrAddResult key f = store.GetOrAdd key (fun _ -> newCacheEntry key <| f()) |> fun entry -> entry.Value let getTimer (expiration: TimeSpan) = if expiration.TotalSeconds < 1.0 then TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds 100.0 elif expiration.TotalMinutes < 1.0 then TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.0 else TimeSpan.FromMinutes 1.0 |> fun interval -> new Timer(interval.TotalMilliseconds) let timer = match policy with | NoExpiration -> None | AbsoluteExpiration time -> time |> getTimer |> Some | SlidingExpiration time -> time |> getTimer |> Some let observer = match timer with | Some t -> let disposable = t.Elapsed |> Observable.subscribe (fun _ -> checkExpiration()) t.Start() Some disposable | None -> None member __.Add key value = add key value member __.Remove key = remove key member __.Get key = get key member __.GetOrAdd key value = getOrAdd key value member __.GetOrAddResult key f = getOrAddResult key f [] module Memoization = type private MemoizationCache<'a,'b when 'a: equality> (?cacheExpirationPolicy) = let cache = match cacheExpirationPolicy with | Some policy -> new MemoryCache(policy) | None -> new MemoryCache() let getKey (key: 'a) = if key |> box |> isNull then typeof<'a>.FullName else sprintf "%s_%d" typeof<'a>.FullName <| key.GetHashCode() member __.TryGetValue key = let keyString = getKey key cache.Get keyString member __.GetOrAdd key getValue = let keyString = getKey key cache.GetOrAddResult keyString getValue let private memoizeWithCache f (cache: MemoizationCache<_,_>) x = (fun () -> f x) |> cache.GetOrAdd x /// Create a new function that remembers the results of the given function /// for each unique input parameter, returning the cached result instead /// of recomputing it each time the function is called, optimizing the execution speed /// at the cost of increased memory usage. /// /// Note: This optimization should only be used with referentially transparent functions let memoize f = new MemoizationCache<_,_>() |> memoizeWithCache f /// Create a new function that remembers the results of the given function /// for each unique input parameter, returning the cached result instead /// of recomputing it each time the function is called, optimizing the execution speed /// at the cost of increased memory usage. Uses a specified Cache Expiration Policy /// to limit the amount of time the results are stored, to allow memory to be free'd /// after a certain amount of time. /// /// Note: This optimization should only be used with referentially transparent functions let memoizeWithExpiration policy f = new MemoizationCache<_,_>(policy) |> memoizeWithCache f