// Life patterns via Z3 // Inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4lhrVPDUG0 #r "bin/Microsoft.Z3.dll" open System open System.IO open System.Runtime.InteropServices open System.Collections.Generic open Microsoft.Z3 let ctx = new Context([|("model", "true")|] |> dict |> Dictionary) // helpers let True : BoolExpr = ctx.MkTrue() let False : BoolExpr = ctx.MkFalse() let Int : int -> uint32 -> BitVecNum = fun v w -> ctx.MkBV(v, w) let IntVar : string -> uint32 -> BitVecExpr = fun var w -> ctx.MkBVConst(var, w) let FreshVar : uint32 -> BitVecExpr = fun w -> ctx.MkBVConst(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), w) let Eq : Expr -> Expr -> BoolExpr = fun l r -> ctx.MkEq(l, r) let Ite : BoolExpr -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr = fun p t e -> ctx.MkITE(p, t, e) let And : BoolExpr[] -> BoolExpr = fun bools -> ctx.MkAnd(bools) let Or : BoolExpr[] -> BoolExpr = fun bools -> ctx.MkOr(bools) let Not : BoolExpr -> BoolExpr = fun bool -> ctx.MkNot(bool) let Add : BitVecExpr -> BitVecExpr -> BitVecExpr = fun l r -> ctx.MkBVAdd(l, r) let width = 15 let height = 7 let initBoard : Expr[][] = [| for i in {0..height - 1} -> [| for j in {0..width - 1} -> IntVar (sprintf "X_%d_%d" i j) 1u :> _ |] |] let finalBoard : Expr[][] = [| for i in {0..height - 1} -> [| for j in {0..width - 1} -> IntVar (sprintf "Î¥_%d_%d" i j) 1u :> _ |] |] let pattern : int[][] = [|[|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|]; [|0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0|]; [|0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0|] [|0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0|] [|0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0|] [|0; 1; 1; 1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0|] [|0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0|]|] let validValues = initBoard |> Array.collect id |> Array.map (fun x -> Or [|Eq x (Int 0 1u); Eq x (Int 1 1u)|] ) |> And let validFinalPattern = And [| for i in {0..height - 1} -> And [| for j in {0..width - 1} -> Eq finalBoard.[i].[j] (Int pattern.[i].[j] 1u) |] |] let getNeighborhoods : Expr[][] -> int -> int -> Expr list = fun board i j -> match i, j with | 0, 0 -> [board.[0].[1]; board.[1].[0]; board.[1].[1] ] | i, j when i = height - 1 && j = width - 1 -> [board.[i].[j - 1]; board.[i - 1].[j]; board.[i - 1].[j - 1] ] | 0, j when j = width - 1 -> [board.[0].[j - 1]; board.[1].[j - 1]; board.[1].[j] ] | i, 0 when i = height - 1 -> [board.[i - 1].[0]; board.[i - 1].[1]; board.[i].[1] ] | 0, j -> [board.[0].[j - 1]; board.[0].[j + 1]; board.[1].[j + 1]; board.[1].[j - 1]; board.[1].[j] ] | i, 0 -> [board.[i - 1].[0]; board.[i + 1].[0]; board.[i + 1].[1]; board.[i - 1].[1]; board.[i].[1] ] | i, j when i = height - 1 -> [board.[i].[j - 1]; board.[i].[j + 1]; board.[i - 1].[j + 1]; board.[i - 1].[j - 1]; board.[i - 1].[j] ] | i, j when j = width - 1 -> [board.[i - 1].[j]; board.[i + 1].[j]; board.[i + 1].[j - 1]; board.[i - 1].[j - 1]; board.[i].[j - 1] ] | i, j -> [board.[i - 1].[j - 1]; board.[i - 1].[j]; board.[i - 1].[j + 1]; board.[i + 1].[j - 1]; board.[i + 1].[j]; board.[i + 1].[j + 1]; board.[i].[j - 1]; board.[i].[j + 1] ] let countNeighborhoods : Expr[][] -> int -> int -> BitVecExpr -> BoolExpr = fun board i j c -> let rec count : Expr list -> BitVecExpr -> BoolExpr = fun exprs c -> match exprs with | [] -> Eq c (Int 0 4u) | expr :: exprs -> let c' = FreshVar 4u let ite = Ite (Eq expr (Int 1 1u)) (Eq c (Add c' (Int 1 4u))) (Eq c c') :?> _ And [|ite; count exprs c'|] count (getNeighborhoods board i j) c let rules : Expr[][] -> Expr[][] -> BoolExpr = fun fromBoard toBoard -> And [| for i in {0..height - 1} -> And [| for j in {0..width - 1} do let c = IntVar (sprintf "C_%d_%d" i j) 4u let b = countNeighborhoods fromBoard i j c let ite = Ite (Eq fromBoard.[i].[j] (Int 1 1u)) (Ite (Or [|(Eq c (Int 0 4u)); (Eq c (Int 1 4u)) |]) (Eq toBoard.[i].[j] (Int 0 1u)) (Ite (Or [|(Eq c (Int 4 4u)); (Eq c (Int 5 4u)); (Eq c (Int 6 4u)); (Eq c (Int 7 4u)); (Eq c (Int 8 4u)) |]) (Eq toBoard.[i].[j] (Int 0 1u)) (Ite (Or [|(Eq c (Int 2 4u)); (Eq c (Int 3 4u))|]) (Eq toBoard.[i].[j] (Int 1 1u)) False))) (Ite (Eq c (Int 3 4u)) (Eq toBoard.[i].[j] (Int 1 1u)) (Eq toBoard.[i].[j] (Int 0 1u))) :?> _ yield And [|b; ite|] |] |] let formula = And [|validValues; validFinalPattern; rules initBoard finalBoard|] let solver = ctx.MkSolver() solver.Assert(formula) let flag = solver.Check() = Status.SATISFIABLE let model = solver.Model for i in {0..height - 1} do for j in {0..width - 1} do let value = string <| model.Evaluate(initBoard.[i].[j]) let c = getNeighborhoods initBoard i j |> List.filter (fun x -> string <| model.Evaluate(x) = "1") |> List.length match value with | "1" -> match c with | 0 | 1 -> printf " " | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 -> printf " " | 2 | 3 -> printf "1" | _ -> failwith "oups" | "0" -> match c with | 3 -> printf "1" | _ -> printf " " | _ -> failwith "oups" printfn ""