open System open TypeShape open TypeShape_Utils //---------------------------------------------- // Generic Isomorphism and Projection derivation type Iso<'a, 'b> = Iso of ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) and Proj<'a, 'b> = Proj of ('a -> 'b) let refl = Iso(id,id) let sym (Iso(f,g)) = Iso(g,f) let trans (Iso(f,g)) (Iso(f',g')) = Iso(f' << f, g << g') let convert1 (Iso (f,_)) x = f x let convert2 (Iso (_,g)) y = g y let project (Proj f) x = f x //---------------------------------- // TypeShape - driven iso generation let rec mkIso<'a, 'b> () : Iso<'a, 'b> = let (Proj f), (Proj g) = mkProj<'a, 'b> (), mkProj<'b, 'a> () Iso(f,g) and mkProj<'a, 'b> () : Proj<'a, 'b> = use ctx = new RecTypeManager() mkProjCached<'a, 'b> ctx and private mkProjCached<'a, 'b> (ctx : RecTypeManager) : Proj<'a, 'b> = match ctx.TryFind>() with | Some r -> r | None -> let _ = ctx.CreateUninitialized> (fun c -> Proj(fun a -> let (Proj c) = c.Value in c a)) let p = mkProjAux<'a, 'b> ctx ctx.Complete p and private mkProjAux<'a, 'b> (ctx : RecTypeManager) : Proj<'a,'b> = let notProj() = failwithf "Type '%O' is not projectable to '%O'" typeof<'a> typeof<'b> let mkMemberProj (candidates : IShapeWriteMember<'a>[]) (target : IShapeWriteMember<'b>) = match candidates |> Array.tryFind (fun c -> c.Label = target.Label) with | None -> notProj() | Some source -> source.Accept { new IWriteMemberVisitor<'a, ('a -> 'b -> 'b)> with member __.Visit (src : ShapeWriteMember<'a, 'F>) = target.Accept { new IWriteMemberVisitor<'b, ('a -> 'b -> 'b)> with member __.Visit (tgt : ShapeWriteMember<'b, 'G>) = let (Proj conv) = mkProjCached<'F, 'G> ctx fun (a:'a) (b:'b) -> let f = src.Project a tgt.Inject b (conv f) } } match shapeof<'a>, shapeof<'b> with | s, s' when s.Type = s'.Type -> Proj(unbox<'a -> 'b> (fun (a:'a) -> a)) | Shape.FSharpRecord (:? ShapeFSharpRecord<'a> as ar), Shape.FSharpRecord (:? ShapeFSharpRecord<'b> as br) -> let memberProjs = br.Fields |> (mkMemberProj ar.Fields) fun (a:'a) -> let mutable b = br.CreateUninitialized() for m in memberProjs do b <- m a b b |> Proj | Shape.FSharpUnion (:? ShapeFSharpUnion<'a> as ar), Shape.FSharpUnion (:? ShapeFSharpUnion<'b> as br) -> let mkUnionCaseProj (source : ShapeFSharpUnionCase<'a>) = match br.UnionCases |> Array.tryFind (fun candidate -> candidate.CaseInfo.Name = source.CaseInfo.Name) with | Some target -> target.Fields |> (mkMemberProj source.Fields) | None -> notProj() let unionCaseMappers = ar.UnionCases |> mkUnionCaseProj fun (a:'a) -> let tag = ar.GetTag a let mutable b = br.UnionCases.[tag].CreateUninitialized() for m in unionCaseMappers.[tag] do b <- m a b b |> Proj | _ -> notProj() //---------------------------------- // examples type Foo = { A : int ; B : string option } type Foo2 = { B : string option ; A : int } type Bar = { A : int ; B : string option ; C : int } let f = mkIso() let h = mkProj() convert1 f { A = 2 ; B = Some "foo" } convert2 f { A = 2 ; B = Some "foo" } project h { A = 2 ; B = Some "foo" ; C = 32 } //-------------------------------- // Recursive type support type Peano = Zero | Succ of pred:Peano type Peano' = Succ of pred:Peano' | Zero let pIso = mkIso() let twenty : Peano = let rec int2P = function 0 -> Peano.Zero | n -> Peano.Succ(int2P (n-1)) in int2P 20 convert2 pIso twenty type P1 = Zero | Succ of pred:P1 | SomethingElse of int let pProj1 = mkProj() project pProj1 twenty type P2 = Zero | Succ of pred:P2 * int let pProj2 = mkProj() project pProj2 (Succ (Zero, 42))