open System open TypeShape open TypeShape_Utils // Generic map implementation that updates all occurences // of a given type inside a value type GMapper<'E, 'T> = ('E -> 'E) -> ('T -> 'T) let rec gmap<'E, 'T> (mapper : 'E -> 'E) : 'T -> 'T = match cache.TryFind> () with | Some m -> m mapper | None -> use ctx = cache.CreateRecTypeManager() gmapCached<'E, 'T> ctx mapper and private gmapCached<'E, 'T> (ctx : RecTypeManager) : GMapper<'E, 'T> = match ctx.TryFind> () with | Some m -> m | None -> let _ = ctx.CreateUninitialized> (fun c f -> c.Value f) let m = gmapAux<'E, 'T> ctx ctx.Complete m and private gmapAux<'E, 'T> (ctx : RecTypeManager) : GMapper<'E, 'T> = let EQ (input : GMapper<'E, 'a>) : GMapper<'E, 'T> = unbox input let gmapMember (shape : IShapeWriteMember<'Class>) = shape.Accept { new IWriteMemberVisitor<'Class, ('E -> 'E) -> 'Class -> 'Class -> 'Class> with member __.Visit (shape : ShapeWriteMember<'Class, 'Field>) = let fMapper = gmapCached<'E, 'Field> ctx fun mapper source target -> let field = shape.Project source let field' = fMapper mapper field shape.Inject target field' } match shapeof<'T> :> TypeShape with | :? TypeShape<'E> -> EQ id<'E -> 'E> | Shape.Primitive | Shape.String | Shape.Guid | Shape.Decimal | Shape.DateTime | Shape.DateTimeOffset -> EQ (fun _ -> id<'T>) | Shape.FSharpOption s -> s.Accept { new IFSharpOptionVisitor> with member __.Visit<'t> () = // 't option = 'T let em = gmapCached<'E, 't> ctx EQ(fun f -> (em f)) } | Shape.Array s when s.Rank = 1 -> s.Accept { new IArrayVisitor> with member __.Visit<'t> _ = // 't [] = 'T let em = gmapCached<'E, 't> ctx EQ(fun f -> (em f)) } | Shape.FSharpList s -> s.Accept { new IFSharpListVisitor> with member __.Visit<'t> () = // 't list = 'T let em = gmapCached<'E, 't> ctx EQ(fun f -> (em f)) } | Shape.Tuple (:? ShapeTuple<'T> as shape) -> let ems = shape.Elements |> gmapMember fun mapper source -> let mutable target = shape.CreateUninitialized() for em in ems do target <- em mapper source target target | Shape.FSharpRecord (:? ShapeFSharpRecord<'T> as shape) -> let fms = shape.Fields |> gmapMember fun mapper source -> let mutable target = shape.CreateUninitialized() for fm in fms do target <- fm mapper source target target | Shape.FSharpUnion (:? ShapeFSharpUnion<'T> as shape) -> let caseMappers = shape.UnionCases |> (fun case -> case, case.Fields |> gmapMember) fun mapper source -> let tag = shape.GetTag source let case, mappers = caseMappers.[tag] let mutable target = case.CreateUninitialized() for fm in mappers do target <- fm mapper source target target | _ -> failwithf "Unsupported type '%O'" typeof<'T> and private cache : TypeCache = new TypeCache() //------------------------------- // Examples gmap ((+) 1) (Some [| [1 .. 10] |], 1, ("foo", 3, (5,Some 6))) type Person = { Name : string ; Age : int ; Address : string } let value = [ { Name = "george" ; Age = 31 ; Address = "Dublin" } ; { Name = "john" ; Age = 40; Address = "8th Avenue" } ; { Name = "Paul" ; Age = 74; Address = "England" } ] gmap (fun (s:string) -> s.ToUpper()) value