// Staged CPS Regular Expression Matcher // Based on CPS RegEx matcher in http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=968582 #r "packages/FSharp.Compiler.Service." #r "packages/QuotationCompiler.0.0.7-alpha/lib/net45/QuotationCompiler.dll" open QuotationCompiler open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations // <@ fun x -> (% <@ x @> ) @> ~ lambda (fun x -> x) let lambda (f : Expr<'T> -> Expr<'R>) : Expr<'T -> 'R> = let var = new Var("__temp__", typeof<'T>) Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Lambda(var, f (Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Var var)))) // <@ fun x y -> (% <@ x @> ... <@ y @> ) @> ~ lambda (fun x y -> x ... y ) let lambda2 (f : Expr<'T> -> Expr<'S> -> Expr<'R>) : Expr<'T -> 'S -> 'R> = let var = new Var("__temp'__", typeof<'T>) let var' = new Var("__temp''__", typeof<'S>) Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Lambda(var, Expr.Lambda(var', f (Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Var var)) (Expr.Cast<_>(Expr.Var var'))))) type RegExp = | Zero | One | Char of char | Times of RegExp * RegExp | Plus of RegExp * RegExp | Star of RegExp let rec matchRegExp (pattern : RegExp) (chars : Expr) (k : Expr -> Expr) : Expr = match pattern with | Zero -> <@ false @> | One -> k chars | Char c -> <@ match %chars with x :: xs when x = c -> (% lambda (fun xs -> k xs)) xs | _ -> false @> | Times (l, r) -> matchRegExp l chars (fun chars -> matchRegExp r chars k) | Plus (l, r) -> <@ if (% matchRegExp l chars k) then true else (% matchRegExp r chars k) @> | Star exp -> <@ let rec loop chars = if (% lambda(fun chars -> k chars)) chars then true else (% lambda2(fun loop chars -> matchRegExp exp chars (fun chars -> <@ (%loop) %chars @>))) loop chars loop %chars @> let compileRegEx (pattern : RegExp) : string -> bool = let f = QuotationCompiler.ToFunc(lambda (fun (chars : Expr) -> matchRegExp pattern chars (fun chars -> <@ match %chars with [] -> true | _ -> false @>))) (fun text -> f () (List.ofSeq text)) // helpers let char c = Char c let (=>) l r = Times (l, r) let (<|>) l r = Plus (l, r) let (<*>) e = Star e let (<+>) e = e => (<*>) e // example c(a|d)+r let pattern = char 'c' => (<+>) (char 'a' <|> char 'd') => char 'r' let test = compileRegEx pattern test "car" // true test "cdr" // false test "cr" // false test "cddar" // true test "cdda" // false