open System type Rnd = { rnd : Random } let createRndWithSeed (seed) = { rnd = new Random(seed) } let inline precondition cond dueTo = if (not cond) then failwith ("precondition violation: " + dueTo) //[0, 1) let uniform (r : Rnd) = r.rnd.NextDouble() //[0, n) let uniformInt (r : Rnd) n = precondition (n > 0) "less or equal than 0" r.rnd.Next(n) //[n, m) let uniformRange (r : Rnd) n m = precondition (m > n) "invalid range" n + uniform r * (m - n) //[n, m) let uniformIntRange (r : Rnd) n m = precondition (m > n) "invalid range" precondition (int64 (m - n) < int64 Int32.MaxValue) "invalid range" n + uniformInt r (m - n) let shuffle (r : Rnd) (xs : 'a array) = precondition (xs <> null) "array is null" let n = xs |> Array.length for i = 0 to n - 1 do let j = i + uniformInt r (n - i) let temp = xs.[i] xs.[i] <- xs.[j] xs.[j] <- temp //Magic 8 Ball ( let magic8Ball () = let magic8BallAnswers = [| //positive "It is certain"; "It is decidedly so"; "Without a doubt"; "Yes, definitely"; "You may rely on it"; "As I see it, yes"; "Most likely"; "Outlook good"; "Yes"; "Signs point to yes"; //neutral "Reply hazy try again"; "Ask again later"; "Better not tell you now"; "Cannot predict now"; "Concentrate and ask again"; //negative "Don't count on it"; "My reply is no"; "My sources say no"; "Outlook not so good"; "Very doubtful" |] let rec loop (f : unit -> int) = Console.Title <- "The wonderful Magic 8 Ball. Ask me something..." printfn "Magic ball: What's your question?" printf "You: " let ask = Console.ReadLine() if String.IsNullOrEmpty(ask) then () else printfn "Magic ball: %s" magic8BallAnswers.[f ()] loop f let n = magic8BallAnswers |> Array.length let now = DateTime.Now let r = createRndWithSeed (now.Millisecond + now.Second * 1000) magic8BallAnswers |> shuffle r loop (fun () -> uniformIntRange r 0 n) magic8Ball () (* Magic ball: What's your question? You: Will I be rich? Magic ball: My sources say no Magic ball: What's your question? You: Will I be famous? Magic ball: Concentrate and ask again Magic ball: What's your question? You: Will I be famous? Magic ball: Cannot predict now Magic ball: What's your question? You: Will my team win the championship? Magic ball: Very doubtful Magic ball: What's your question? You: Will I win the first prize? Magic ball: Signs point to yes Magic ball: What's your question? You: *)