(*[omit:Skip namespace definition on TryFSharp.org]*) #if INTERACTIVE open Microsoft.TryFSharp #else namespace Turtle #endif (*[/omit]*) open System open System.Windows open System.Windows.Controls open System.Windows.Media open System.Windows.Shapes [<AutoOpen>] module AST = type reference = string type distance = int type degrees = int type instruction = | Forward of distance | Left of degrees | Right of degrees | Repeat of int * instruction list | PenDown | PenUp | PenColor of Color | PenWidth of distance | ClearScreen | ShowTurtle | HideTurtle [<AutoOpen>] module Lang = let forward n = Forward n let fd = forward let left n = Left n let lt = left let right n = Right n let rt = right let repeat n (instructions:instruction list) = Repeat(n,instructions) let once (instructions:instruction list) = Repeat(1,instructions) let run = once let output x = x let pencolor color = PenColor color let penup = PenUp let pendown = PenDown let penwidth n = PenWidth n let clearscreen = ClearScreen let cs = clearscreen let hideturtle = HideTurtle let ht = hideturtle let showturtle = ShowTurtle let st = showturtle [<AutoOpen>] module Colors = let red = Colors.Red let green = Colors.Green let blue = Colors.Blue let white = Colors.White let black = Colors.Black let gray = Colors.Gray let yellow = Colors.Yellow let orange = Colors.Orange let brown = Colors.Brown let cyan = Colors.Cyan let magenta = Colors.Magenta let purple = Colors.Purple type Turtle private () = inherit UserControl(Width = 400.0, Height = 300.0) let screen = Canvas(Background = SolidColorBrush Colors.Black) do base.Content <- screen let mutable penColor = white let mutable penWidth = 1.0 let mutable isPenDown = true let mutable x, y = 0.0, 0.0 let mutable a = 270 let addLine (canvas:Canvas) x' y' = let line = Line(X1=x,Y1=y,X2=x',Y2=y') line.StrokeThickness <- penWidth line.Stroke <- SolidColorBrush penColor canvas.Children.Add line let clearLines () = screen.Children.Clear() let turtle = Canvas() let rotation = RotateTransform(Angle=float a) do turtle.RenderTransform <- rotation do screen.Children.Add turtle let rec execute canvas = function | Forward n -> let n = float n let r = float a * Math.PI / 180.0 let dx, dy = float n * cos(r), float n * sin(r) let x', y' = x + dx, y + dy if isPenDown then addLine canvas x' y' x <- x' y <- y' | Left n -> a <- a - n rotation.Angle <- float a | Right n -> a <- a + n rotation.Angle <- float a | Repeat(n,instructions) -> for i = 1 to n do instructions |> List.iter (execute canvas) | PenDown -> isPenDown <- true | PenUp -> isPenDown <- false | PenColor color -> penColor <- color | PenWidth width -> penWidth <- float width | ClearScreen -> clearLines () | ShowTurtle -> turtle.Visibility <- Visibility.Visible | HideTurtle -> turtle.Visibility <- Visibility.Collapsed let drawTurtle () = [penup; forward 5; pendown; right 150; forward 10; right 120; forward 10; right 120; forward 10; right 150; penup; forward 5; right 180; pendown] |> List.iter (execute turtle) do drawTurtle () x <- base.Width/2.0 y <- base.Height/2.0 do Canvas.SetLeft(turtle,x) Canvas.SetTop(turtle,y) static let control = lazy(Turtle ()) member private this.Execute instruction = execute screen instruction /// Turtle screen static member Screen = control.Force() /// Runs turtle instruction static member Run (instruction:instruction) = let run () = control.Force().Execute instruction #if INTERACTIVE App.Dispatch(fun () -> run ()) |> ignore #else run () #endif /// Runs sequence of turtle instructions static member Run (instructions:instruction seq) = let run () = instructions |> Seq.iter (control.Force().Execute) #if INTERACTIVE App.Dispatch(fun () -> run ()) |> ignore #else run () #endif (*[omit:Run script on TryFSharp.org]*) #if INTERACTIVE App.Dispatch (fun() -> App.Console.ClearCanvas() let canvas = App.Console.Canvas let control = Turtle.Screen control |> canvas.Children.Add App.Console.CanvasPosition <- CanvasPosition.Right control.Focus() |> ignore ) #else type App() as app = inherit System.Windows.Application() do app.Startup.Add(fun _ -> app.RootVisual <- Turtle.Screen) #endif (*[/omit]*) module Test = do pencolor red |> Turtle.Run do [for a = 0 to 1000 do yield! [fd 6; rt (a*7)]] |> Turtle.Run