open System open System.Diagnostics open System.Runtime.InteropServices open System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes [] module ActivatorExtension = [] extern int CreateBindCtx([]int reserved, []IBindCtx& ppbc) [] extern int GetRunningObjectTable([]int reserved, []IRunningObjectTable& prot) type ComObject(name, instance) = member x.Name with get() = name member x.Instance with get() = instance let getRunningObjects() = let runningObjectTable = let mutable rot = null if GetRunningObjectTable(0, &rot) <> 0 then failwith "GetRunningObjectTable failed!" rot let getMonikers() = let enumerator = let mutable monikerEnumerator = null runningObjectTable.EnumRunning(&monikerEnumerator) monikerEnumerator.Reset() monikerEnumerator let getNextMoniker(moniker) = let monikers = Array.init 1 (fun _ -> null) let success = enumerator.Next(1, monikers, IntPtr.Zero) = 0 moniker := monikers.[0] success seq { let moniker = ref null while getNextMoniker(moniker) do yield !moniker } let getRunningObjectName(moniker:IMoniker) = let mutable runningObjectName, ctx = null, null if CreateBindCtx(0, &ctx) <> 0 then failwith "CreateBindCtx failed!" moniker.GetDisplayName(ctx, null, &runningObjectName) runningObjectName let getRunningObject(moniker:IMoniker) = let mutable runningObject = null if runningObjectTable.GetObject(moniker, &runningObject) <> 0 then failwith "IRunningObjectTable.GetObject failed!" runningObject getMonikers() |> m -> new ComObject(m |> getRunningObjectName, lazy getRunningObject(m))) type System.Activator with /// /// Gets running COM instances. /// /// A predicate function which filters the instances by name static member GetObjects(namePredicate) = getRunningObjects() |> Seq.filter(fun comObj -> namePredicate(comObj.Name)) /// /// Gets a running COM instance and casts it to 't. /// /// The name of the com instance static member GetObject<'t>(runningObjectName) = Activator.GetObjects(fun objName -> objName = runningObjectName) |> comObj -> comObj.Instance.Value :?> 't) |> Seq.nth 0 module Test = //This function enables the retrieval of the Visual Studio EnvDTE instance given a process id. let getVisualStudioInstance processId = let instanceName = sprintf "!VisualStudio.DTE.10.0:%i" processId let vsComObj = Activator.GetObjects(fun name -> name = instanceName) |> Seq.nth 0 vsComObj.Instance.Value