open System open System.Linq open System.Text module Soundex = /// The Soundex code for a name consists of a letter followed by three numerical digits: the letter /// is the first letter of the name, and the digits encode the remaining consonants. /// The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) maintains the current rule set for the /// official implementation of Soundex used by the U.S. Government. The American Soundex is a variant /// of the original Russell Soundex algorithm. /// Reference: let American(text : string) = let chooser c = match Char.ToLowerInvariant(c) with | 'b' | 'f' | 'p' | 'v' -> '1' | 'c' | 'g' | 'j' | 'k' | 'q' | 's' | 'x' | 'z' -> '2' | 'd' | 't' -> '3' | 'l' -> '4' | 'm' | 'n' -> '5' | 'r' -> '6' | 'h' | 'w' -> '-' | _ -> if Char.IsDigit(c) then c else '.' let folder (state : char list) (c) = match chooser(Seq.head state), chooser(c) with | p, i when (p <> i && i <> '-') || i = '0' -> i :: state | _, _ -> state let value = text.Trim() + "000" let soundex = Seq.toList (value.Substring(1)) |> List.fold folder [ Char.ToUpperInvariant(value.[0]) ] |> List.filter (fun c -> c <> '.') |> List.rev |> Seq.truncate 4 |> Seq.toArray String(soundex) /// Daitch–Mokotoff Soundex (D–M Soundex) was developed in 1985 by genealogist Gary Mokotoff and later /// improved by genealogist Randy Daitch because of problems they encountered while trying to apply the /// Russell Soundex to Jews with Germanic or Slavic surnames. /// References: /// /// /// /// let DaitchMokotoff(text : string) = let isVowel(value : string) = let first = if String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) then String.Empty else value.Substring(0, 1) match first with | "A" | "E" | "I" | "O" | "U" | "Y" -> true | _ -> false let (|Match|_|) (values : seq) (codes : seq) (s : string) = let result = Seq.tryFind (fun value -> s.StartsWith(value)) values if result.IsNone then None else Some( codes, isVowel(result.Value), s.Substring(result.Value.Length)) let (|Group|_|) (s : string) = match s with | Match ["AI";"AJ";"AY"] ["0"; "1"; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["AU"] ["0"; "7"; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["A"] ["0"; ""; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["B"] ["7"; "7"; "7"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["CHS"] ["5"; "54"; "54"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["CH"] ["KH"; "TCH"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["CK"] ["K"; "TSK"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["CZS";"CZ";"CSZ";"CS"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["C"] ["K"; "TZ"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["DRZ";"DRS"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["DSZ";"DSH";"DS"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["DZH";"DZS";"DZ"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["DT"] ["3"; "3"; "3"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["EI";"EJ";"EY"] ["0"; "1"; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["EU"] ["1"; "1"; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["E"] ["0"; ""; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["FB"; "F"] ["7"; "7"; "7"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["G"] ["5"; "5"; "5"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["H"] ["5"; "5"; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["IA";"IE";"IO";"IU"] ["1"; ""; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["I"] ["0"; ""; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["J2Y"] ["1"; "1"; "1"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["J"] ["J2Y"; "DZH"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["KS"] ["5"; "54"; "54"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["KH"; "K"] ["5"; "5"; "5"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["L"] ["8"; "8"; "8"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["MN";"NM"] ["66"; "66"; "66"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["M"; "N"] ["6"; "6"; "6"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["OI";"OJ";"OY"] ["0"; "1"; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["O"] ["0"; ""; ""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["PF";"PH"; "P"] ["7"; "7"; "7"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["RTZ"] ["94"; "94"; "94"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["RS";"RZ"] ["RTZ"; "ZH"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["R"] ["9"; "9"; "9"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SCHTSCH";"SCHTSH";"SCHTCH"] ["2"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SCH"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SHTCH";"SHCH";"SHTSH"] ["2"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SHT";"SCHT";"SCHD"] ["2"; "43"; "43"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SH"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["STCH";"STSCH";"SC"] ["2"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["STRZ";"STRS";"STSH"] ["2"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["ST"] ["2"; "43"; "43"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SZCZ";"SZCS"] ["2"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SZT";"SHD";"SZD";"SD"] ["2"; "43"; "43"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["SZ";"S"] ["4"; "4"; "4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TCH";"TTCH";"TTSCH";"THS"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TH"] ["3";"3";"3"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TRZ";"TRS"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TSCH";"TSH"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TSK"] ["45";"45";"45"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TTSZ";"TTS";"TC"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["TZS";"TTZ";"TZ";"TSZ";"TS"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["T"] ["3";"3";"3"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["UI";"UJ";"UY"] ["0";"1";""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["UE";"U"] ["0";"";""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["V"] ["7";"7";"7"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["W"] ["7";"7";"7"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["X"] ["5";"54";"54"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["Y"] ["1";"";""] result -> Some(result) | Match ["ZHDZH";"ZDZH";"ZDZ"] ["2";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["ZD";"ZHD"] ["2";"43";"43"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["ZSCH";"ZSH";"ZH";"ZS"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | Match ["Z"] ["4";"4";"4"] result -> Some(result) | _ -> None let search(value : string) = match value with | Group result -> (*printfn "%s -> %A" value result;*) result | _ -> seq[ "" ], false, value.Substring(1) let rec decompose (value : string) = let head, isVowel, next = search(value) if String.IsNullOrEmpty(next) then seq [ head, isVowel ] else Seq.append [ head, isVowel ] (decompose(next)) let rec encode (codes : seq, start : bool, beforeVowel : bool) = let first = Seq.nth 0 codes if String.IsNullOrEmpty(first) then [ ] else if String.IsNullOrEmpty(first) || Char.IsDigit(Seq.nth 0 first) then if start then [ (Seq.nth 0 codes) ] else if beforeVowel then [ (Seq.nth 1 codes) ] else [ (Seq.nth 2 codes) ] else let head, isVowel, next = search(first) if Seq.length codes = 1 then encode(head, start, beforeVowel) else List.append (encode(head, start, beforeVowel)) (encode(Seq.skip 1 codes, start, beforeVowel)) let reduce (results : string list) (values : string list) = let appender(value : string) = fun (s : string) -> let result = (s + value) if result.Length >= 6 then result.Substring(0, 6) else result seq { for value in values do yield (appender(value)) results } |> Seq.concat |> Seq.toList let first, second = decompose ( text.ToUpperInvariant() ) |> Seq.pairwise |> Seq.filter (fun (a, b) -> a <> b) |> Seq.toList |> List.unzip let items, vowels = List.unzip (List.head first :: second) items ( List.append (List.tail vowels) [ false ] ) |> List.mapi (fun (i) (codes, isVowel) -> encode(codes, i = 0, isVowel)) |> List.filter (fun c -> not(List.isEmpty c) && (List.head c) <> "") |> List.reduce reduce |> List.toSeq |> Seq.distinct |> (fun s -> if s.Length >= 6 then s else String.Concat(s, String('0', 6 - s.Length))) (* Soundex.American("Ashcraft") // "A261" Soundex.American("jackson") // "J250" Soundex.American("miller") // "M460" Soundex.American("Wilson") // "W425" Soundex.American("Schmit") // "S530" Soundex.American("Lloyd") // "L300" Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Peters") // [ "739400"; "734000" ]; Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Peterson") // [ "739460"; "734600" ]; Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Moskowitz") // [ "645740" ]; Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Moskovitz") // [ "645740" ]; Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Auerbach") // [ "097500"; "097400" ]; Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Uhrbach") // [ "097500"; "097400" ]; Soundex.DaitchMokotoff("Jackson") // [ "154600"; "454600"; "145460"; "445460" ]; *)