open Unchecked open System open System.Web.Mvc open System.Web.Mvc.Async open System.Net // Preserving stack trace when rethrowing exceptions // // exception PreserveStackTraceWrapper of exn //New base async controller. type AsyncWorkflowController() = inherit AsyncController() override __.CreateActionInvoker() = //In real-life applications object expression for AsyncControllerActionInvoker can be pulled off into separate type/file. //See how F# object expressions smooth out sharp OOP corners. // In C# it would require to create 3 extra classes that only have meaning in local context. upcast { new AsyncControllerActionInvoker() with member __.GetControllerDescriptor(controllerContext) = let controllerType = controllerContext.Controller.GetType() upcast { new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(controllerType) with member ctrlDesc.FindAction(controllerContext, actionName) = //getting default sync implementation let forwarder = base.FindAction(controllerContext, actionName) :?> ReflectedActionDescriptor if (forwarder <> null && forwarder.MethodInfo.ReturnType = typeof>) then let endAsync' = ref (defaultof Choice>) upcast { new AsyncActionDescriptor() with member actionDesc.ActionName = forwarder.ActionName member actionDesc.ControllerDescriptor = upcast ctrlDesc member actionDesc.GetParameters() = forwarder.GetParameters() member actionDesc.BeginExecute(controllerContext, parameters, callback, state) = let asyncWorkflow = forwarder.Execute(controllerContext, parameters) :?> Async |> Async.Catch let beginAsync, endAsync, _ = Async.AsBeginEnd(fun () -> asyncWorkflow) endAsync' := endAsync beginAsync((), callback, state) member actionDesc.EndExecute(asyncResult) = match endAsync'.Value(asyncResult) with | Choice1Of2 value -> box value | Choice2Of2 why -> raise <| PreserveStackTraceWrapper(why) } else upcast forwarder } } //Sample Asynchronous Controller type MainController() = inherit AsyncWorkflowController() member this.Index() = this.View() member this.LengthAsync() = async { let wc = new WebClient() let! html = wc.AsyncDownloadString(Uri("")) //Constrain under current design that method has to return Async return ContentResult(Content = string html.Length) :> ActionResult }