open System //Assert the convergence of a series. let assertSeriesConvergence(expected : float) (delta : float) low high series = if low > high then failwith "Incorrect boundaries for the series" else seq {for n = low to high do yield n} |> (fun n -> Math.Abs((series n) - expected) <= delta) //build the assertions |> Seq.forall ((=) true) //Naive factorial with tail recursion. let (!) n = let rec _fact n result = if n = 1.0 || n = 0.0 then result else _fact (n - 1.0) (result * n) _fact n 1.0 //Ramanujan Formula. let Ramanujan x = let sum = seq {for i = 0.0 to x do yield i} |> (fun n -> (!(4.0 * n) * (1103.0 + (26390.0 * n))) / (((!n) ** 4.0) * (3964.0 ** (4.0 * n)))) |> Seq.sum ((2.0 * (sqrt 2.0)) / 9801.0) * sum //any ideas? assertSeriesConvergence (1.0 / Math.PI) (10.0 ** (-8.0)) 1.0 40.0 Ramanujan