module Incrementer = //Interface of our object type IncrementerObj = { Increment:(int -> unit) Decrement:(int -> unit) Value:(unit -> int) } //Internal messages that the object can process type private Message = | Increment of int | Decrement of int | Value of AsyncReplyChannel<int> //The constructor for object let newIncrementer () = let m = MailboxProcessor<Message>.Start(fun mbox -> let v = ref 0 let rec ret () = async { let! msg = mbox.Receive() match msg with | Increment x -> v := !v + x | Decrement x -> v := !v - x | Value r -> r.Reply !v return! ret() } ret () ) { Increment = (fun x -> m.Post(Increment x)) Decrement = (fun x -> m.Post(Decrement x)) Value = (fun _ -> m.PostAndReply(fun (r:AsyncReplyChannel<int>) -> Value r)) } let o = Incrementer.newIncrementer() o.Increment(10) o.Increment(100) o.Decrement(50) printf "%d" (o.Value())