open System open System.Collections.Concurrent open System.Collections.Generic open System.IO open System.Net open System.Text.RegularExpressions module Helpers = type Message = | Done | Mailbox of MailboxProcessor | Stop | Url of string option // Gates the number of crawling agents. [] let Gate = 5 // Extracts links from HTML. let extractLinks html = let pattern1 = "(?i)href\\s*=\\s*(\"|\')/?((?!#.*|/\B|mailto:|location\.|javascript:)[^\"\']+)(\"|\')" let pattern2 = "(?i)^https?" let links = [ for x in Regex(pattern1).Matches(html) do yield x.Groups.[2].Value ] |> List.filter (fun x -> Regex(pattern2).IsMatch(x)) links // Fetches a Web page. let fetch (url : string) = try let req = WebRequest.Create(url) :?> HttpWebRequest req.UserAgent <- "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.0; en-US)" req.Timeout <- 5000 use resp = req.GetResponse() let content = resp.ContentType let isHtml = Regex("html").IsMatch(content) match isHtml with | true -> use stream = resp.GetResponseStream() use reader = new StreamReader(stream) let html = reader.ReadToEnd() Some html | false -> None with | _ -> None let collectLinks url = let html = fetch url match html with | Some x -> extractLinks x | None -> [] open Helpers let crawl url limit = // Concurrent queue for saving collected urls. let q = ConcurrentQueue() // Holds crawled URLs. let set = HashSet() let supervisor = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun x -> let rec loop run = async { let! msg = x.Receive() match msg with | Mailbox(mailbox) -> let count = set.Count if count < limit - 1 && run then let url = q.TryDequeue() match url with | true, str -> if not (set.Contains str) then let set'= set.Add str mailbox.Post <| Url(Some str) return! loop run else mailbox.Post <| Url None return! loop run | _ -> mailbox.Post <| Url None return! loop run else mailbox.Post Stop return! loop run | Stop -> return! loop false | _ -> printfn "Supervisor is done." (x :> IDisposable).Dispose() } loop true) let urlCollector = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun y -> let rec loop count = async { let! msg = y.TryReceive(6000) match msg with | Some message -> match message with | Url u -> match u with | Some url -> q.Enqueue url return! loop count | None -> return! loop count | _ -> match count with | Gate -> supervisor.Post Done (y :> IDisposable).Dispose() printfn "URL collector is done." | _ -> return! loop (count + 1) | None -> supervisor.Post Stop return! loop count } loop 1) /// Initializes a crawling agent. let crawler id = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop() = async { let! msg = inbox.Receive() match msg with | Url x -> match x with | Some url -> let links = collectLinks url printfn "%s crawled by agent %d." url id for link in links do urlCollector.Post <| Url (Some link) supervisor.Post(Mailbox(inbox)) return! loop() | None -> supervisor.Post(Mailbox(inbox)) return! loop() | _ -> urlCollector.Post Done printfn "Agent %d is done." id (inbox :> IDisposable).Dispose() } loop()) // Spawn the crawlers. let crawlers = [ for i in 1 .. Gate do yield crawler i ] // Post the first messages. crawlers.Head.Post <| Url (Some url) crawlers.Tail |> List.iter (fun ag -> ag.Post <| Url None) // Example: crawl "" 25 // Output: // crawled by agent 1. // crawled by agent 2. // crawled by agent 5. // crawled by agent 3. // crawled by agent 4. // crawled by agent 5. // // &topic=h&num=3&output=rss crawled by agent 1. // crawled by agent 4. // crawled by agent 2. // crawled by agent 1. // crawled by agent 2. // crawled by agent 2. // crawled by agent 3. // crawled by agent 5. // crawled by agent 4. // crawled by agent 1. // crawled by agent 3. // crawled by agent 5. // crawled by agent 1. // crawled by agent 4. // // sive=1209600&continue= // p:// crawled by agent 1. // Agent 1 is done. // crawled by agent 4. // Agent 4 is done. // crawled by agent 3. // Agent 3 is done. // crawled by agent 2. // Agent 2 is done. // crawled by agent 5. // Agent 5 is done. // URL collector is done. // Supervisor is done.