module Parser = (* F# implementation of a generic Top-Down-Operator-Precedence Parser as described in this paper The parser has been extended to allow for statements in comparison to Pratt's original algorithm which only parsed languages which use expression-only grammar. The parsers is "impure" in the sense that is uses a ref-cell for storing the input in the T<_, _, _> record class, this is soley for performance reasons as it's to expensive to create a new record object for every consumed token. Certain functions also throw exceptions, which generally also is considered impure. The parser produces nice error message in this style: Error on line: 5 col: 9 4: if(x == y) { 5: print'x equals y'); ----------^ Unexpected: #string "x equals y" More information: * (Original Inventor) * (Alias name) * (Python implementation) * (JavaScript implementation) *) type Pos = int * int type T<'a, 'b, 'c> when 'c : comparison = { Input : 'a list ref Lines : string option Type : 'a -> 'c Position : 'a -> Pos PrettyPrint : ('a -> string) option //Parser definitions and binding powers BindingPower : Map<'c, int> Null : Map<'c, 'a -> T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b> Stmt : Map<'c, 'a -> T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b> Left : Map<'c, 'a -> 'b -> T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b> } type Pattern<'a, 'b, 'c> when 'c : comparison = Sym of 'c | Get of (T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b) //Errors type Exn (msg, pos) = inherit System.Exception(msg) member x.Position = pos (* Creates a string error snippet that points out the exact source position where the error occured, for example: 4: if(x == y) { 5: print'x equals y'); ----------^ *) let errorSource pos source = let splitLines (text:string) = let text = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\r", "\n") System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(text, "\n") let lineNum (input:int) n = (input.ToString()).PadLeft(n, '0') let stringRepeat n input = if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty input then input else let result = new System.Text.StringBuilder(input.Length * n) result.Insert(0, input, n).ToString() match source with | None -> "" | Some(source:string) -> let source = source |> splitLines let result = ref "" let line, column = pos if line <= source.Length && line > 1 then let nr = line.ToString() let nrl = nr.Length //previous line let pline = line - 1 if pline >= 1 then let num = lineNum pline nrl result := num+": "+source.[pline-1]+"\n" //current line let text = source.[line-1] if column <= text.Length then let arrow = "-" |> stringRepeat (nrl + column) result := !result+nr+": "+text+"\n"+arrow+"^\n" !result let exn msg = Exn(msg, (0, 0)) |> raise let exnLine pos msg = let line = sprintf "Error on line: %i col: %i\n" (fst pos) (snd pos) Exn(line + msg, pos) |> raise let private unexpectedEnd () = "Unexpected end of input" |> exn let private unexpectedToken token parser = let type' = match parser.PrettyPrint with | None -> (token |> parser.Type).ToString() | Some f -> token |> f let pos = token |> parser.Position let source = parser.Lines |> errorSource pos let expected = sprintf "Unexpected: %s" type' (source + expected) |> exnLine pos let inline private getBindingPower tok parser = let pwr = parser.BindingPower.TryFind (parser.Type tok) match pwr with Some pwr -> pwr | _ -> 0 let current parser = match !parser.Input with | token::_ -> token | _ -> unexpectedEnd () let currentTry parser = match !parser.Input with | token::_ -> Some token | _ -> None let currentType parser = parser |> current |> parser.Type let currentTypeTry parser = match parser |> currentTry with | Some token -> Some(token |> parser.Type) | _ -> None let skip parser = match !parser.Input with | _::input -> parser.Input := input | _ -> unexpectedEnd () let skipIf type' parser = match !parser.Input with | token::xs when parser.Type token = type' -> parser.Input := xs | token::_ -> unexpectedToken token parser | _ -> unexpectedEnd () let skipCurrent parser = let current = parser |> current parser |> skip current let exprPwr rbpw parser = let rec expr left = match parser |> currentTry with | Some token when rbpw < (parser |> getBindingPower token) -> parser |> skip let type' = parser.Type token let led = match parser.Left.TryFind type' with | None -> unexpectedToken token parser | Some led -> led led token left parser |> expr | _ -> left let tok = parser |> skipCurrent let type' = parser.Type tok let nud = match parser.Null.TryFind type' with | None -> unexpectedToken tok parser | Some nud -> nud nud tok parser |> expr let expr parser = parser |> exprPwr 0 let exprSkip type' parser = let expr = parser |> expr parser |> skipIf type' expr let rec exprList parser = match !parser.Input with | [] -> [] | _ -> (parser |> expr) :: (parser |> exprList) let stmt term parser = let token = parser |> current match parser.Stmt.TryFind (token |> parser.Type) with | Some stmt -> parser |> skip; stmt token parser | None -> parser |> exprSkip term let rec stmtList term parser = match !parser.Input with | [] -> [] | _ -> (parser |> stmt term) :: (parser |> stmtList term) let match' pattern parser = let rec match' acc pattern parser = match pattern with | [] -> acc |> List.rev | Sym(symbol)::pattern -> parser |> skipIf symbol parser |> match' acc pattern | Get(f)::pattern -> let acc = (f parser) :: acc parser |> match' acc pattern parser |> match' [] pattern (* Convenience functions exposed for easing parser definition and usage *) let create<'a, 'b, 'c when 'c : comparison> type' position prettyPrint = { Input = ref [] Lines = None Type = type' Position = position PrettyPrint = prettyPrint BindingPower = Map.empty<'c, int> Null = Map.empty<'c, 'a -> T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b> Stmt = Map.empty<'c, 'a -> T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b> Left = Map.empty<'c, 'a -> 'b -> T<'a, 'b, 'c> -> 'b> } let matchError () = exn "Match pattern failed" let smd token funct parser = {parser with T.Stmt = parser.Stmt.Add(token, funct)} let nud token funct parser = {parser with T.Null = parser.Null.Add(token, funct)} let led token funct parser = {parser with T.Left = parser.Left.Add(token, funct)} let bpw token power parser = {parser with T.BindingPower = parser.BindingPower.Add(token, power)} (*Defines a left-associative infix operator*) let infix f typ pwr p = let infix tok left p = f tok left (p |> exprPwr pwr) p |> bpw typ pwr |> led typ infix (*Defines a right-associative infix operator*) let infixr f typ pwr p = let lpwr = pwr - 1 let infix tok left p = f tok left (p |> exprPwr lpwr) p |> bpw typ pwr |> led typ infix (*Defines a prefix/unary operator*) let prefix f typ pwr p = let prefix tok parser = f tok (parser |> exprPwr pwr) p |> nud typ prefix (*Defines a constant*) let constant symbol value p = p |> nud symbol (fun _ _ -> value) (* Runs the parser and treats all top level construct as expressions *) let runExpr input source parser = {parser with T.Input = ref input T.Lines = source } |> exprList (* Runs the parser and treats all top level construct as statements *) let runStmt input source term parser = {parser with T.Input = ref input T.Lines = source } |> stmtList term (* Example parser for a very simple grammar *) //AST Types type UnaryOp = Plus | Minus type BinaryOp = Multiply | Add | Subtract | Divide | Assign | Equals type Ast = Number of int | Identifier of string | String of string | Binary of BinaryOp * Ast * Ast | Unary of UnaryOp * Ast | Ternary of Ast * Ast * Ast // test * ifTrue * ifFalse | If of Ast * Ast * Ast option // test + ifTrue and possibly ifFalse (else branch) | Call of Ast * Ast list // target + arguments list | Block of Ast list // statements list | True | False //Shorthand types for convenience module P = Parser type Token = string * string * (Parser.Pos) type P = Parser.T<Token, Ast, string> //Utility functions for extracting values out of Token let type' ((t, _, _):Token) = t let value ((_, v, _):Token) = v let pos ((_, _, p):Token) = p let value_num (t:Token) = t |> value |> int //Utility functions for creating new tokens let number value pos : Token = "#number", value, pos let string value pos : Token = "#string", value, pos let identifier name pos : Token = "#identifier", name, pos let symbol type' pos : Token = type', "", pos let add = symbol "+" let sub = symbol "-" let mul = symbol "*" let div = symbol "/" let assign = symbol "=" let equals = symbol "==" let lparen = symbol "(" let rparen = symbol ")" let lbrace = symbol "{" let rbrace = symbol "}" let comma = symbol "," let qmark = symbol "?" let colon = symbol ":" let scolon = symbol ";" let if' = symbol "if" let true' = symbol "true" let else' = symbol "else" //Utility functions for converting tokens to binary and unary operators let toBinaryOp tok = match type' tok with | "=" -> BinaryOp.Assign | "+" -> BinaryOp.Add | "-" -> BinaryOp.Subtract | "*" -> BinaryOp.Multiply | "/" -> BinaryOp.Divide | "==" -> BinaryOp.Equals | _ -> P.exn (sprintf "Couldn't convert %s-token to BinaryOp" (type' tok)) let toUnaryOp tok = match type' tok with | "+" -> UnaryOp.Plus | "-" -> UnaryOp.Minus | _ -> P.exn (sprintf "Couldn't convert %s-token to UnaryOp" (type' tok)) //Utility function for defining infix operators let infix = P.infix (fun token left right -> Binary(token |> toBinaryOp, left, right)) //Utility function for defining prefix operators let prefix = P.prefix (fun token ast -> Unary(token |> toUnaryOp, ast)) //Utility function for defining constants let constant typ value p = p |> P.nud typ (fun _ _ -> value) //Utility function for parsing a block let block p = let rec stmts p = match p |> P.currentTypeTry with | None -> [] | Some "}" -> p |> P.skip; [] | _ -> (p |> P.stmt ";") :: (stmts p) p |> P.skipIf "{" Block(p |> stmts) //Pretty printing function for error messages let prettyPrint (tok:Token) = match tok with | "#number", value, _ -> sprintf "#number %s" value | "#identifier", name, _ -> sprintf "#identifier %s" name | "#string", value, _ -> sprintf "#string \"%s\"" value | type', _, _ -> type' //The parser definition let example_parser = (P.create type' pos (Some prettyPrint)) //Literals and identifiers |> P.nud "#number" (fun t _ -> t |> value |> int |> Number) |> P.nud "#identifier" (fun t _ -> t |> value |> Identifier) |> P.nud "#string" (fun t _ -> t |> value |> String) //Constants |> constant "true" Ast.True |> constant "false" Ast.False //Infix Operators <expr> <op> <expr> |> infix "==" 40 |> infix "+" 50 |> infix "-" 50 |> infix "*" 60 |> infix "/" 60 |> infix "=" 80 //Prefix Operators <op> <expr> |> prefix "+" 70 |> prefix "-" 70 //Grouping expressions (<expr>) |> P.nud "(" (fun t p -> p |> P.exprSkip ")") //Ternary operator <expr> ? <expr> : <expr> |> P.bpw "?" 70 |> P.led "?" (fun _ left p -> let ternary = [P.Get P.expr; P.Sym ":"; P.Get P.expr] match p |> P.match' ternary with | ifTrue::ifFalse::_ -> Ternary(left, ifTrue, ifFalse) | _ -> P.matchError() ) //If/Else statement if(<condition>) { <exprs } [else { <exprs> }] |> P.smd "if" (fun _ p -> let if' = [P.Sym "("; P.Get P.expr; P.Sym ")"; P.Get block] let else' = [P.Sym "else"; P.Get block] match p |> P.match' if' with | test::ifTrue::_ -> match p |> P.match' else' with | ifFalse::_ -> If(test, ifTrue, Some(ifFalse)) | _ -> If(test, ifTrue, None) | _ -> P.matchError() ) //Function call |> P.bpw "(" 80 |> P.led "(" (fun _ func p -> let rec args (p:P) = match p |> P.currentType with | ")" -> p |> P.skip; [] | "," -> p |> P.skip; args p | _ -> (p |> P.expr) :: args p Call(func, args p) ) //Code to parse (* 1: x = 5; 2: y = 5; 3: 4: if(x == y) { 5: print("x equals y"); 6: } else { 7: print("x doesn't equal y"); 8: } *) let code = @"x = 5; y = 5; if(x == y) { print('x equals y'); } else { print('x doesn't equal y'); }" //The code in tokens, manually entered //since we don't have a lexer to produce //the tokens for us let tokens = [ //x = 5; identifier "x" (1, 1) assign (1, 3) number "5" (1, 5) scolon (1, 6) //y = 5; identifier "y" (2, 1) assign (2, 3) number "5" (2, 5) scolon (2, 6) //if(x == y) { if' (4, 1) lparen (4, 3) identifier "x" (4, 4) equals (4, 6) identifier "y" (4, 9) rparen (4, 10) lbrace (4, 12) //print("x equals y"); identifier "print" (5, 3) lparen (5, 8) string "x equals y" (5, 9) rparen (5, 21) scolon (5, 22) //} else { rbrace (6, 1) else' (6, 3) lbrace (6, 7) //print("x doesn't equal y"); identifier "print" (7, 3) lparen (7, 7) string "x doesn't equal y" (7, 9) rparen (7, 27) scolon (7, 28) //} rbrace (8, 1) ] let ast = example_parser |> P.runStmt tokens (Some code) ";"