open Deedle open NetOffice open NetOffice.ExcelApi open NetOffice.OfficeApi // Starts new excel app. The DisplayAlerts <- false makes sure that we don't get popups asking us if we want to save when we exit. let app = new Application() app.DisplayAlerts <- false app.Visible <- true // When Excel is started it's empty, so we add a new workbook with a worksheet let wb = app.Workbooks.Add() let ws = wb.ActiveSheet :?> Worksheet // You could also open an existing sheet instead //app.Workbooks.Open(@".\deedleTest.xlsx") //let wb = app.ActiveWorkbook //let ws = wb.ActiveSheet :?> Worksheet // Takes a Deedle.OptionalValue and converts it to a string, which is then boxed // At the call site for this function we are also given the Type of the object, so this could be used to do something more sophisticated let getExcelValue obj = match obj with | Deedle.OptionalValue.Present obj -> box (obj.ToString()) | _ -> box "" // Takes the values from a Deedle.Frame and converts them to a 2d array for insertion into a sheet let frameValuesToArray (data : FrameData) = let transpose (array:'T[,]) = Array2D.init (array.GetLength(1)) (array.GetLength(0)) (fun i j -> array.[j, i]) data.Columns |> (fun (ty, vec) -> vec.ObjectSequence |> getExcelValue |> Array.ofSeq) // Here the ty variable could be used by getExcelValue |> array2D |> transpose /// Inserts a given 2d array at the specified cell let insertArrayAt (cell : Range) (array : 'a[,]) = let cell2 = cell.Offset.[Array2D.length1 array, Array2D.length2 array] let range = cell.Worksheet.Range(cell, cell2) range.Value2 <- array /// Inserts a given Deedle.Frame at the specified cell let insertFrameAt (cell : Range) (frame : Frame<_,_>) = let frameData = frame.GetFrameData() let ws = cell.Worksheet // Converts the row/col keys to an array of strings // This only supports single dimensional row/col keys let keysToArray (keys : obj[] seq) = keys |> (fun arr -> if arr.Length > 0 then arr.[0].ToString() else "") |> Array.ofSeq let cols = let arr = frameData.ColumnKeys |> keysToArray Array2D.init 1 arr.Length (fun i j -> arr.[j]) let rows = let arr = frameData.RowKeys |> keysToArray Array2D.init arr.Length 1 (fun i j -> arr.[i]) let valsArray = frameValuesToArray frameData // Offsets are 1-indexed, so for example right and down is 2,2 valsArray |> insertArrayAt cell.Offset.[2,2] cols |> insertArrayAt cell.Offset.[1,2] rows |> insertArrayAt cell.Offset.[2,1] // Create an example dataframe let data = [ for x in 1 .. 10 do for y in 1 .. 20 do yield (x,y,x+y) ] |> Frame.ofValues // Inserting the frame data |> insertFrameAt (ws.Range("A1")) // Or to a named cell // data |> insertFrameAt ws ws.Cells.["NamedCell1"] // Or // data |> insertFrameAt ws ws.Cells.[1,1] // It's important to also call the dispose method to fully close Excel app.Quit() app.Dispose()