open System.Net let rec Retry (f : unit -> 'T) (didSucceed : 'T -> bool) (timesMs : int list) = let rec retry times = match times with | [] -> f() | head::tail -> let result = f() if didSucceed result then result else async { do! Async.Sleep(head) } |> Async.RunSynchronously retry tail retry timesMs let Demo1() = let rand = new System.Random() Retry (fun () -> rand.NextDouble()) (fun x -> x > 0.5) [1; 2; 4] type DownloadResult = | Ok | NotOk let Demo2() = use wc = new WebClient() Retry (fun () -> try printf "Downloading..." wc.DownloadFile("", "file.txt") Ok with | _ -> NotOk) (fun result -> result = Ok) [1; 2; 4]