open System // First attempt at a KMeans clustering. // Doesn't have an epsilon diff check which would allow early exit from loop. let KMeans2D maxIterations numClusters (data:(float*float) list) = let rec getMin points cur = let oldMinX,oldMinY = cur match points with | [] -> cur | (minX,minY) :: tail when minX getMin tail (minX,minY) | (minX,minY) :: tail when minX>oldMinX && minY < oldMinY -> getMin tail (oldMinX,minY) | (minX,minY) :: tail when minX oldMinY -> getMin tail (minX,oldMinY) | (minX,minY) :: tail when minX>oldMinX && minY > oldMinY -> getMin tail (oldMinX,oldMinY) | (minX,minY) :: tail -> getMin tail (oldMinX,oldMinY) let rec getMax points cur = let oldmaxX,oldmaxY = cur match points with | [] -> cur | (maxX,maxY) :: tail when maxX>oldmaxX && maxY > oldmaxY -> getMax tail (maxX,maxY) | (maxX,maxY) :: tail when maxX oldmaxY -> getMax tail (oldmaxX,maxY) | (maxX,maxY) :: tail when maxX>oldmaxX && maxY < oldmaxY -> getMax tail (maxX,oldmaxY) | (maxX,maxY) :: tail when maxX getMax tail (oldmaxX,oldmaxY) | (maxX,maxY) :: tail -> getMax tail (oldmaxX,oldmaxY) let minX,minY = getMin data (Double.MaxValue,Double.MaxValue) let maxX,maxY = getMax data (Double.MinValue,Double.MinValue) let partition means points = let distance mean pt = let meanX,meanY=mean let ptX,ptY=pt (mean,Math.Sqrt((meanX-ptX)**2.0+(meanY-ptY)**2.0),(ptX,ptY)) let minDistance means pt = let (mean,len,pt) = means |> (fun mean -> (distance mean pt)) |> List.minBy (fun (mean,len,pt)->len) (mean,pt) let parts = (fun pt-> minDistance means pt ) points let groups = Seq.ofList parts |> Seq.groupBy (fun (mean,point)->mean) (fun (key,value)->(key,List.ofSeq ( (fun (x,y)->y) value))) groups|>List.ofSeq let recalcMeans partitions = let getClusterMean (cluster:(float*float)list) = (List.averageBy (fun (ptX,ptY)->ptX) cluster,List.averageBy (fun (ptX,ptY)->ptY) cluster) (fun (oldMean,cluster) -> getClusterMean cluster) partitions let getInitialClusters() = let rnd = new System.Random() let randMeans = List.init numClusters (fun _ -> (minX+((maxX-minX)*rnd.NextDouble()),minY+((maxY-minY)*rnd.NextDouble())) ) partition randMeans data let rec impl iteration clusters = if List.isEmpty clusters then [] else match iteration with | 0 -> clusters | _ -> let means = recalcMeans clusters let newClusters = partition means data impl (iteration-1) newClusters impl maxIterations (getInitialClusters())