namespace Talk.Functional open System open System.Threading open System.Diagnostics open System.Collections.Generic (* PATTERN MATCHING *) module Example1_functional = let message = match Console.ReadKey().KeyChar with |'Q' -> "Quit!" |'?' -> "Help!" |key -> sprintf "You hit %c" key printfn "%s" message module Example2_functional = let processArray arr = match arr with | [| 42 |] -> "1 element, 42" | [| x; y; _ |] when x < y -> sprintf "%d < %d" x y | [| _; _; z |] -> sprintf "3 elements, last is %d" z | _ -> sprintf "%A" arr (* ACTIVE PATTERNS *) module Example3_functional = let (|Negative|Zero|Positive|) n = if n < 0 then Negative elif n = 0 then Zero else Positive let (|Prime|Composite|Neither|) n = match n with | Zero | 1 | Negative -> Neither | Positive -> let mutable factors = [] let mutable remaining = n let mutable divisor = 2 while remaining > 1 do if remaining % divisor = 0 then factors <- divisor :: factors remaining <- remaining / divisor else divisor <- divisor + 1 match factors with | [_] -> Prime | _ -> Composite(factors) let describeNumber n = match n with | Prime -> printfn "n is prime" | Composite(factors) -> printfn "n in composite, with factors %A" factors | Neither -> printfn "n is neither prime nor composite" (* RECURSIVE LOOPS *) module Example4_functional = let rec forLoop i = match i <= 5 with | false -> () | true -> printfn "%d" i forLoop (i + 1) forLoop 1 let rec whileLoop start = match (DateTime.Now - start) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.) with | false -> () | true -> printfn "Looping..." Thread.Sleep(300) whileLoop start whileLoop DateTime.Now module Example5_functional = let rec whileLoop start (rnd:Random) = if not ((DateTime.Now - start) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.)) then printfn "Looping..." Thread.Sleep(300) if rnd.Next() % 10 <> 0 then whileLoop start rnd whileLoop DateTime.Now (Random()) module Example6_functional = let factorPositive n = let rec loop remaining divisor factors = match (remaining > 1, remaining % divisor) with | (false, _) -> factors | (_, 0) -> loop divisor (remaining/divisor) (divisor::factors) | _ -> loop (divisor + 1) remaining factors loop n 2 [] module Example3_functional_full = let factorPositive n = let rec loop remaining divisor factors = match (remaining > 1, remaining % divisor) with | (false, _) -> factors | (_, 0) -> loop divisor (remaining/divisor) (divisor::factors) | _ -> loop (divisor + 1) remaining factors loop 2 n [] let (|Negative|Zero|Positive|) n = if n < 0 then Negative elif n = 0 then Zero else Positive let (|Prime|Composite|Neither|) n = match n with | Zero | 1 | Negative -> Neither | Positive -> match factorPositive n with | [_] -> Prime | factors -> Composite(factors) let describeNumber n = match n with | Prime -> printfn "n is prime" | Composite(factors) -> printfn "n in composite, with factors %A" factors | Neither -> printfn "n is neither prime nor composite" (* HIGHER-ORDER FUNCTIONS FOR COLLECTION PROCESSING *) module Example7_functional = let myArray = [|"one"; "two"; "three"|] let stringLengths = myArray |> (fun elem -> elem.Length) module Example8_functional = let myArray = [|"one"; "two"; "three"|] let sumOfStringLengths = myArray |> Array.fold (fun accum elem -> accum + elem.Length) 0 module Example9_functional = let myArray = [|"one"; "two"; "three"|] let filtered = myArray |> Array.filter (fun item -> item.Length = 3) module Example10_functional = let myArray = [|"one"; "two"; "three"|] myArray |> (fun elem -> (elem, elem.Length)) |> Array.filter (fun (_, length) -> length = 3) |> Array.iter (fun (str, length) -> printfn "Length of %A is %d" str length ) module OtherFunStuff = let time f = let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew() f() |> ignore sw.Stop() printfn "Elapsed: %A" sw.Elapsed let memoize f = let cache = Dictionary<_, _>() fun x -> match cache.TryGetValue(x) with | (true, value) -> value | _ -> let value = f x cache.Add(x, value) value