open System.Reflection open System.Reflection.Emit open System.Collections.Generic // [snippet:Simple exception analysis] open Mono.Reflection /// check for the throw opcode preceded with newobj let getThrownException (instr: Instruction) = let prev = instr.Previous if instr.OpCode = OpCodes.Throw && prev <> null && prev.OpCode = OpCodes.Newobj then let newType = (prev.Operand :?> ConstructorInfo).ReflectedType if typeof.IsAssignableFrom newType then Some (instr, newType.FullName) else None else None let inline instructionInfo (m: MethodBase) (i, t) comment = sprintf "%s->%s: %A%s" m.ReflectedType.FullName m.Name t comment let inline hasCallOpcode (i: Instruction) = i.OpCode = OpCodes.Call || i.OpCode = OpCodes.Callvirt || i.OpCode = OpCodes.Calli /// add some additional information about the exceptions /// e.g. the value of message parameter for the standard ArgumentException (*[omit:(get exception resource)]*) let types = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof).GetTypes() let tryGetExceptionResource (prm: obj) = types |> Seq.tryFind (fun t -> t.FullName = "System.ExceptionResource") |> Option.bind (fun e ->Some (System.Enum.ToObject(e, prm))) (*[/omit]*) let addComment (i: Instruction) = let comment = match i.Operand with | :? MethodBase as mi when i.OpCode=OpCodes.Call && mi.Name="ThrowArgumentException" && mi.GetParameters().Length>0 -> let msg = tryGetExceptionResource i.Previous.Operand if Option.isSome msg then sprintf " (param: %A)" msg.Value else "" | _ -> "" i, comment /// add exceptions to dictionary let inline (<~) (dict: Dictionary<_, HashSet<_>>) (m, items) = (*[omit:(...)]*) let set = if dict.ContainsKey m then dict.[m] else let s = HashSet<_>() in dict.Add(m, s); s Seq.iter (set.Add >> ignore) items(*[/omit]*) /// perform analysis for a method with given detalization parameters let analyzeExceptions (m: MethodBase) (detalization, maxDepth) = printfn ">> Analyze %s (%s):" m.Name m.ReflectedType.FullName let exnsFound = Dictionary<_,HashSet<_>>() let rec check d (m: MethodBase) comment = if m = null || m.GetMethodBody() = null then HashSet<_>() else let tab = String.replicate d " " let inline printDetails() = (*[omit:(...)]*) printfn "%s>> %s (%s)" tab m.Name m.ReflectedType.FullName let detExns = exnsFound.[m] if detExns.Count > 0 then detExns |> Seq.iter (printfn "\t%s%s" tab)(*[/omit]*) if exnsFound.ContainsKey m then printDetails() else let instructions = m.GetInstructions() // exceptions in the method body let exns = instructions |> getThrownException |> Seq.filter Option.isSome |> (fun e -> instructionInfo m e.Value comment) exnsFound <~ (m, exns) if d < detalization - 1 then printDetails() // exceptions in inner calls if d < maxDepth then let innerExceptions = instructions |> Seq.filter hasCallOpcode |> addComment |> Seq.collect (fun (i, c) -> check (d+1) (i.Operand :?> MethodBase) c) exnsFound <~ (m, innerExceptions) if d = detalization - 1 then printDetails() exnsFound.[m] check 0 m "" |> (fun i -> printfn "Summary:"; i) |> Seq.iter (printfn " %s") (*[omit:(Example: get a couple of methods to analyze)]*) open System.Linq type T() = let dict = Dictionary<_,_>() member x.ToDictionary (arr: _[]) = arr.ToDictionary(id, string) member x.ThrowException() = failwith "exception here" let methods = typeof.GetMethods() |> Seq.filter (fun m -> m.DeclaringType = typeof && m.GetMethodBody() <> null) |> (fun m -> m.Name, m) |> Map.ofSeq (*[/omit]*) analyzeExceptions methods.["ToDictionary"] (2, 5) (*[omit:(output)]*) >> Analyze ToDictionary (FSI_0003+T): >> ToDictionary (FSI_0003+T) >> ArgumentNull (System.Linq.Error) >> ArgumentNull (System.Linq.Error) >> ToDictionary (System.Linq.Enumerable) System.ThrowHelper->ThrowArgumentNullException: "System.ArgumentNullException" System.ThrowHelper->ThrowArgumentException: "System.ArgumentException" (param: Argument_AddingDuplicate) Summary: System.ThrowHelper->ThrowArgumentNullException: "System.ArgumentNullException" System.ThrowHelper->ThrowArgumentException: "System.ArgumentException" (param: Argument_AddingDuplicate)(*[/omit]*) analyzeExceptions methods.["ThrowException"] (0, 5) (*[omit:(output)]*) >> Analyze ThrowException (FSI_0003+T): Summary: FSI_0003+T->ThrowException: "System.Exception"(*[/omit]*) // [/snippet]