open System // given a roll between 0 and 1 // and a distribution D of // probabilities to end up in each state // returns the index of the state let state (D: float[]) roll = let rec index cumul current = let cumul = cumul + D.[current] match (roll <= cumul) with | true -> current | false -> index cumul (current + 1) index 0.0 0 // given the transition matrix P // the index of the current state // and a random generator, // simulates what the next state is let nextState (P: float[][]) current (rng: Random) = let dist = P.[current] let roll = rng.NextDouble() state dist roll // given a transition matrix P // the index i of the initial state // and a random generator // produces a sequence of states visited let simulate (P: float[][]) i (rng: Random) = Seq.unfold (fun s -> Some(s, nextState P s rng)) i // Vector dot product let dot (V1: float[]) (V2: float[]) = V1 V2 |> (v1, v2) -> v1 * v2) |> Array.sum // Extracts the jth column vector of matrix M let column (M: float[][]) (j: int) = M |> (fun v -> v.[j]) // Given a row-vector S describing the probability // of each state and a transition matrix P, compute // the next state distribution let nextDist S P = P |> Array.mapi (fun j v -> column P j) |> v -> dot v S) // Euclidean distance between 2 vectors let dist (V1: float[]) V2 = V1 V2 |> (v1, v2) -> (v1 - v2) * (v1 - v2)) |> Array.sum // Evaluate stationary distribution // by searching for a fixed point // under tolerance epsilon let stationary (P: float[][]) epsilon = let states = P.[0] |> Array.length [| for s in 1 .. states -> 1.0 / (float)states |] // initial |> Seq.unfold (fun s -> Some((s, (nextDist s P)), (nextDist s P))) |> (fun (s, s') -> (s', dist s s')) |> Seq.find (fun (s, d) -> d < epsilon) // Illustration // Our Markov chain models plane delays // 0 = early, 1 = on-time, 2 = delayed // more comments at // // Transition matrix: // each row corresponds to a state, // and contains an array of probabilities // to transition to each of the states. let P = [| [| 0.10; 0.85; 0.05 |]; [| 0.10; 0.75; 0.15 |]; [| 0.05; 0.60; 0.35 |] |] let rng = new Random() // how many delays in a sequence of 1000 flights? let flights = simulate P 1 rng let delays = Seq.take 1000 flights |> Seq.filter (fun i -> i = 2) |> Seq.length // stationary distribution let longterm = stationary P 0.0001 // impact of matrix modification // improve delays after delays let strat1 = [| [| 0.10; 0.85; 0.05 |]; [| 0.10; 0.75; 0.15 |]; [| 0.05; 0.61; 0.34 |] |] // improve delays after on-time let strat2 = [| [| 0.10; 0.85; 0.05 |]; [| 0.10; 0.76; 0.14 |]; [| 0.05; 0.60; 0.35 |] |] let impact1 = stationary strat1 0.0001 let impact2 = stationary strat2 0.0001