module PlotlyExts = open Plotly.NET open DynamicObj type Node = { Label: string Groups: string [] option XRank: int option YRank: int option Color: obj option LineColor: obj option LineWidth: float option } static member Create ( label, ?groups, ?xRank, ?yRank, ?color, ?lineColor, ?lineWidth ) = { Label = label Groups = groups XRank = xRank YRank = yRank Color = color LineColor = lineColor LineWidth = lineWidth } type Link = { Source: Node Target: Node Value: float option Label: string option Color: obj option LineColor: obj option LineWidth: float option } static member Create ( src, tgt, ?value, ?label, ?color, ?lineColor, ?lineWidth ) = { Source = src Target = tgt Value = value Label = label Color = color LineColor = lineColor LineWidth = lineWidth } module Trace = let initSankey (applyStyle: Trace -> Trace) = Plotly.NET.Trace("sankey") |> applyStyle type TraceStyle with static member Sankey ( nodes: Node seq, links: Link seq, ?nodePadding: float, ?nodeThicknes: float, ?nodeColor: obj, ?nodeLineColor: obj, ?nodeLineWidth: float, ?linkColor: obj, ?linkLineColor: obj, ?linkLineWidth: float ) = (fun (trace: ('T :> Trace)) -> let nonUniqueLabels = nodes |> Seq.countBy (fun x -> x.Label) |> Seq.filter (fun (_, c) -> c > 1) if nonUniqueLabels |> Seq.length > 0 then failwithf "duplicated label names %A" (nonUniqueLabels |> fst) let lblMap = nodes |> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> x.Label, i) |> Map.ofSeq // give each node an index let link = let linkClrs = links |> (fun x -> x.Color) |> (function | Some x -> x | None -> linkColor |> Option.defaultValue null) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> null) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let linkLineClrs = links |> (fun x -> x.LineColor) |> (function | Some x -> x | None -> linkLineColor |> Option.defaultValue null) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> null) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let linkLineWidths = links |> (fun x -> x.LineWidth) |> (function | Some x -> x | None -> linkLineWidth |> Option.defaultValue 0.5) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> 0.5) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let values = links |> (fun x -> x.Value) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists Option.isSome then xs |> (function | Some x -> box x | None -> null) |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let line = match (linkLineClrs, linkLineWidths) with | None, None -> None | cs, ws -> let ln = new DynamicObj() DynObj.setValueOpt ln "color" cs DynObj.setValueOpt ln "width" ws Some ln let l = new DynamicObj() DynObj.setValue l "source" (links |> (fun x -> lblMap.[x.Source.Label])) DynObj.setValue l "target" (links |> (fun x -> lblMap.[x.Target.Label])) DynObj.setValueOpt l "color" linkClrs DynObj.setValueOpt l "value" values DynObj.setValueOpt l "line" line l let node = let groups = nodes |> Seq.collect (fun x -> x.Groups |> Option.defaultValue [||] |> (fun g -> g, lblMap.[x.Label])) |> Seq.groupBy fst |> (fun (g, gs) -> gs |> snd) |> fun xs -> if Seq.isEmpty xs then Some(xs |> Seq.toArray |> Seq.toArray) else None let xRanks = nodes |> (fun x -> x.XRank |> box |> Option.defaultValue null) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> null) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let yRanks = nodes |> (fun x -> x.YRank |> box |> Option.defaultValue null) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> null) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let nodeClrs = nodes |> (fun x -> x.Color) |> (function | Some x -> x | None -> nodeColor |> Option.defaultValue null) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> null) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let nodeLineClrs = nodes |> (fun x -> x.LineColor) |> (function | Some x -> x | None -> nodeLineColor |> Option.defaultValue null) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> null) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let nodeLineWidths = nodes |> (fun x -> x.LineWidth) |> (function | Some x -> x | None -> nodeLineWidth |> Option.defaultValue 0.5) |> fun xs -> if xs |> Seq.exists (fun x -> x <> 0.5) then xs |> Seq.toArray |> Some else None let line = match (nodeLineClrs, nodeLineWidths) with | None, None -> None | cs, ws -> let ln = new DynamicObj() DynObj.setValueOpt ln "color" cs DynObj.setValueOpt ln "width" ws Some ln let n = new DynamicObj() DynObj.setValue n "label" (nodes |> (fun x -> x.Label)) DynObj.setValueOpt n "groups" groups DynObj.setValueOpt n "pad" nodePadding DynObj.setValueOpt n "thickness" nodeThicknes DynObj.setValueOpt n "x" xRanks DynObj.setValueOpt n "y" yRanks DynObj.setValueOpt n "color" nodeClrs DynObj.setValueOpt n "line" line DynObj.setValueOpt n "color" nodeClrs n DynObj.setValue trace "node" node DynObj.setValue trace "link" link trace) type Chart with static member Sankey ( nodes: Node seq, links: Link seq, ?nodePadding: float, ?nodeThicknes: float, ?nodeColor: obj, ?nodeLineColor: obj, ?nodeLineWidth: float, ?linkColor: obj, ?linkLineColor: obj, ?linkLineWidth: float ) = Trace.initSankey ( TraceStyle.Sankey( nodes, links, ?nodePadding = nodePadding, ?nodeThicknes = nodeThicknes, ?nodeColor = nodeColor, ?nodeLineColor = nodeLineColor, ?nodeLineWidth = nodeLineWidth, ?linkColor = linkColor, ?linkLineColor = linkLineColor, ?linkLineWidth = linkLineWidth ) ) |> GenericChart.ofTraceObject open Plotly.NET open PlotlyExts let testSankey () = let n1 = Node.Create("a", color = "Black") let n2 = Node.Create("b", color = "Red") let n3 = Node.Create("c", color = "Purple") let n4 = Node.Create("d", color = "Green") let n5 = Node.Create("e", color = "Orange") let link1 = Link.Create(n1, n2, value = 1.0) let link2 = Link.Create(n2, n3, value = 2.0) let link3 = Link.Create(n1, n5, value = 1.3) let link4 = Link.Create(n4, n5, value = 1.5) let link5 = Link.Create(n3, n5, value = 0.5) Chart.Sankey([ n1; n2; n3; n4; n5 ], [ link1; link2; link3; link4; link5 ]) |> Chart.withTitle "Sankey Sample" |> testSankey ()