open System /// Path to a node. type Path = | Left | Right /// An inner node. type Inner<'a> = { /// Value of this node. Value : 'a /// Left child node. Left : Node<'a> /// Right child node. Right : Node<'a> /// Path to this node. Path : Path } /// Nodes in a tree. and Node<'a> = | Leaf of 'a | Inner of Inner<'a> module Node = /// Extracts the value from a node. let value = function | Leaf v -> v | Inner inner -> inner.Value /// Creates an inner node. This is where the actual comparison happens. let createInner comparer left right = let leftVal = value left let rightVal = value right let value, path = if comparer leftVal rightVal < 0 then leftVal, Left else rightVal, Right Inner { Value = value Left = left Right = right Path = path } /// A tree of nodes. type Tree<'a> = { Root : Node<'a> Comparer : 'a -> 'a -> int } module Tree = /// Creates a tree containing the given values. let create comparer values = // recursively builds a layer in the tree let rec loop (nodes : _[]) = let parents = let isOdd = nodes.Length % 2 = 1 let n = nodes.Length / 2 + if isOdd then 1 else 0 Array.init n (fun i -> if i < nodes.Length / 2 then Node.createInner comparer nodes.[2 * i] nodes.[2 * i + 1] else assert(isOdd) assert(i = n - 1) nodes.[2 * i]) if parents.Length = 1 then parents.[0] else loop parents { Root = values |> Leaf |> Seq.toArray |> loop Comparer = comparer } /// Adds a value to a tree, replacing the current root value. let rec add value tree = let rec loop node = match node with | Leaf _ -> Leaf value | Inner inner -> match inner.Path with | Left -> let left = loop inner.Left Node.createInner tree.Comparer left inner.Right | Right -> let right = loop inner.Right Node.createInner tree.Comparer inner.Left right { tree with Root = loop tree.Root } module Select = /// Answers the top k values. let top comparer k (values : _[]) = assert(k >= 2) let n = values.Length assert(n >= k) // a tree's root value let value tree = tree.Root |> Node.value |> Option.get // compare options instead of raw values let optComparer aOpt bOpt = match (aOpt, bOpt) with | Some a, Some b -> comparer a b | None, Some _ -> 1 | Some _, None -> -1 | _ -> failwith "Unexpected" // initial tree let tree = values.[0 .. n - k + 1] |> Some |> Tree.create optComparer let result = [| // obtain results iteratively let trees = (tree, values.[n - k + 2 ..]) ||> Array.scan (fun tr value -> tr |> Tree.add (Some value)) yield! trees |> value // add a value that always loses to get the last result yield trees |> Array.last |> Tree.add None |> value |] assert(result.Length = k) assert( let sorted = values |> Array.sortWith comparer |> Array.take k Array.compareWith comparer result sorted = 0) result [] let main argv = let rng = Random(0) let n = 1000000 let values = Array.init n (fun _ -> rng.Next()) let k = 20 let selected = values |> compare k printfn "%A" selected 0