open System // Prelude - just a simple immutable queue. type Queue<'a>(xs : 'a list, rxs : 'a list) = new() = Queue([], []) static member Empty() = new Queue<'a>([], []) member q.IsEmpty = (List.isEmpty xs) && (List.isEmpty rxs) member q.Enqueue(x) = Queue(xs, x::rxs) member q.TryTake() = if q.IsEmpty then None, q else match xs with | [] -> (Queue(List.rev rxs,[])).TryTake() | y::ys -> Some(y), (Queue(ys, rxs)) type Url = Url of string type ContentHash = ContentHash of byte[] type CrawlSession = CrawlSession of Guid type Crawl = { Session : CrawlSession Url : Url Headers : (string * string) list Content : byte[] } type Config = { StoreCrawl : Crawl -> Async GetNextPages : Crawl -> Url list DegreeOfParallelism : int } type Dependencies = { Fetch : Url -> Async Config : Config } type WorkerMessage = | Fetch of Url type SupervisorMessage = | Start of MailboxProcessor * Url * AsyncReplyChannel | FetchCompleted of Url * (Url list) type SupervisorProgress = { Supervisor : MailboxProcessor ReplyChannel : AsyncReplyChannel Workers : MailboxProcessor list PendingUrls : Url Queue Completed : Url Set Dispatched : int } type SupervisorStatus = | NotStarted | Running of SupervisorProgress | Finished let startWorker dependencies (supervisor : MailboxProcessor) = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop () = async { let! Fetch(url) = inbox.Receive() let! crawl = dependencies.Fetch url do! dependencies.Config.StoreCrawl(crawl) let nextUrls = dependencies.Config.GetNextPages(crawl) supervisor.Post(FetchCompleted(url, nextUrls)) return! loop() } loop()) let rec dispatch dependencies progress = match progress.PendingUrls.TryTake() with | None, _ -> progress | Some url, queue -> match progress.Workers |> List.tryFind (fun worker -> worker.CurrentQueueLength = 0) with | Some idleWorker -> idleWorker.Post(Fetch url) dispatch dependencies { progress with PendingUrls = queue Dispatched = progress.Dispatched + 1 } | None when progress.Workers.Length < dependencies.Config.DegreeOfParallelism -> let newWorker = startWorker dependencies (progress.Supervisor) dispatch dependencies { progress with Workers = newWorker :: progress.Workers } | _ -> progress let enqueueUrls urls progress = let pending = progress.PendingUrls |> List.foldBack(fun url pending -> pending.Enqueue(url)) urls { progress with PendingUrls = pending } let complete url progress = { progress with Completed = progress.Completed.Add(url) Dispatched = progress.Dispatched - 1 } let start supervisor replyChannel = { Supervisor = supervisor ReplyChannel = replyChannel Workers = [] PendingUrls = Queue.Empty() Completed = Set.empty Dispatched = 0 } let handleStart dependencies supervisor url replyChannel = start supervisor replyChannel |> enqueueUrls [url] |> dispatch dependencies |> Running let handleFetchCompleted dependencies url nextUrls progress = let progress = progress |> complete url |> enqueueUrls nextUrls |> dispatch dependencies if progress.PendingUrls.IsEmpty && progress.Dispatched = 0 then progress.ReplyChannel.Reply(progress.Completed) Finished else Running progress let handleSupervisorMessage dependencies message state = match message with | Start (supervisor, url, replyChannel) -> match state with | NotStarted -> handleStart dependencies supervisor url replyChannel | _ -> failwith "Invalid state: Can't be started more than once." | FetchCompleted(url, nextUrls) -> match state with | Running progress -> handleFetchCompleted dependencies url nextUrls progress | _ -> failwith "Invalid state - can't complete fetch before starting." let fetchRecursiveInternal dependencies startUrl = let supervisor = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop state = async { let! message = inbox.Receive() match state |> handleSupervisorMessage dependencies message with | Finished -> return () | newState -> return! loop newState } loop NotStarted) supervisor.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel -> Start(supervisor, startUrl, replyChannel)) let fetchRecursive (config : Config) (startUrl : Url) : Async = // TODO: write a real fetch method. let fetch url = async { return failwith "Not Implemented" } let dependencies = { Config = config; Fetch = fetch } fetchRecursiveInternal dependencies startUrl // Simple test harness using mocked internal dependencies. let runTest () = let startUrl = Url "" let childPages = [ Url ""; Url "" ] let fetch url = async { return { Url = url Session = CrawlSession(System.Guid.NewGuid()) Headers = [] Content = [||] } } let dependencies = { Fetch = fetch Config = { DegreeOfParallelism = 2 GetNextPages = function | crawl when crawl.Url = startUrl -> childPages | _ -> [] StoreCrawl = fun _ -> async { return () } } } fetchRecursiveInternal dependencies startUrl |> Async.RunSynchronously