open System open System.IO open System.Net open System.Threading open System.Collections.Generic // System.Net Extensions type System.Net.HttpListener with /// Asynchronously retrieves the next incoming request member x.AsyncGetContext() = Async.FromBeginEnd(x.BeginGetContext, x.EndGetContext) type System.Net.WebClient with /// Asynchronously downloads data from the member x.AsyncDownloadData(uri) = Async.FromContinuations(fun (cont, econt, ccont) -> x.DownloadDataCompleted.Add(fun res -> if res.Error <> null then econt res.Error elif res.Cancelled then ccont (new OperationCanceledException()) else cont res.Result) x.DownloadDataAsync(uri) ) type System.Net.HttpListener with /// Starts an HTTP server on the specified URL with the /// specified asynchronous function for handling requests static member Start(url, f) = let tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource() Async.Start ( ( async { use listener = new HttpListener() listener.Prefixes.Add(url) listener.Start() while true do let! context = listener.AsyncGetContext() Async.Start(f context, tokenSource.Token) }), cancellationToken = tokenSource.Token) tokenSource /// Starts an HTTP server on the specified URL with the /// specified synchronous function for handling requests static member StartSynchronous(url, f) = HttpListener.Start(url, f >> async.Return) // [snippet:Common functions and declarations] // NOTE: This snippet uses System.Net extensions from: // (such as HttpListener.Start and WebClient.AsyncDownloadData) // Location where the proxy copies content from let root = "" // Maps requests from local URL to target URL let getProxyUrl (ctx:HttpListenerContext) = Uri(root + ctx.Request.Url.PathAndQuery) // Handle exception - generate page with message let handleError (ctx:HttpListenerContext) (e:exn) = use wr = new StreamWriter(ctx.Response.OutputStream) wr.Write("

Request Failed

") wr.Write("

" + e.Message + "

") ctx.Response.Close() // Handle exception asynchronously - generate page with message let asyncHandleError (ctx:HttpListenerContext) (e:exn) = async { use wr = new StreamWriter(ctx.Response.OutputStream) wr.Write("

Request Failed

") wr.Write("

" + e.Message + "

") ctx.Response.Close() } // [/snippet] module Synchronous = // [snippet:Version #1: Synchronous proxy server] /// Handle request on a dedicated thread - This is not /// scalable, because thread may be blocked for long time let handleRequest (ctx:HttpListenerContext) = let wc = new WebClient() try let data = wc.DownloadData(getProxyUrl(ctx)) ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length) ctx.Response.Close() with e -> handleError ctx e // Start synchronous HTTP proxy let token = HttpListener.StartSynchronous("http://localhost:8080/", handleRequest) token.Cancel() // [/snippet] module EventBased = // [snippet:Version #2: Event-based proxy server] module Wrappers = (*[omit:Wrappers that provide event-based network API]*) type Stream(stream:IO.Stream) = /// Writes data to stream. Calls 'success' callback when /// completed or 'error' callback when error occurs. member x.Write(buffer, offset, count, success, error) = stream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, (fun ar -> try success(stream.EndRead(ar)) with e -> error(e)), null) |> ignore type HttpListenerResponse(rsp:System.Net.HttpListenerResponse) = member x.OutputStream = Stream(rsp.OutputStream) member x.Close() = rsp.Close() type HttpListenerContext(ctx:System.Net.HttpListenerContext) = member x.Response = HttpListenerResponse(ctx.Response) member x.Request = ctx.Request member x.Context = ctx type WebClient() = let wc = new System.Net.WebClient() /// Downloads data and calls the 'success' callback when the /// download completes or 'error' callback if error occurs. member x.DownloadData(uri:Uri, success, error) = wc.DownloadDataCompleted.Add(fun res -> if res.Error <> null then error res.Error else success res.Result) wc.DownloadDataAsync(uri)(*[/omit]*) open Wrappers /// Handles request using callbacks - This scales well, but the /// code is difficult to write, because we need to use callbacks /// (This is similar to the style used by Node.js) let handleRequestCallback (ctx:HttpListenerContext) = let wc = new WebClient() wc.DownloadData ( getProxyUrl(ctx.Context), success = (fun data -> ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write ( data, 0, data.Length, success = (fun _ -> ctx.Response.Close()), error = handleError ctx.Context )), error = handleError ctx.Context ) // Start HTTP proxy that handles requests using callbacks let token = HttpListener.StartSynchronous("http://localhost:8080/", fun ctx -> handleRequestCallback(HttpListenerContext(ctx))) token.Cancel() // [/snippet] module Async = // [snippet:Version #3: Asynchronous proxy server] /// Handles request using asynchronous workflows - We get efficient & scalable /// code by wrapping synchronous solution in 'async' block and changing /// synchronous primitives to asynchronous (e.g. AsyncWrite) let asyncHandleRequest (ctx:HttpListenerContext) = async { let wc = new WebClient() try let! data = wc.AsyncDownloadData(getProxyUrl(ctx)) do! ctx.Response.OutputStream.AsyncWrite(data) with e -> do! asyncHandleError ctx e } // Start HTTP proxy that handles requests asynchronously let token = HttpListener.Start("http://localhost:8080/", asyncHandleRequest) token.Cancel() // [/snippet]