namespace FSharp.Collections open System open System.Diagnostics.Contracts //[snippet: ByteString] /// An ArraySegment with structural comparison and equality. /// An ArraySegment with structural comparison and equality. [] [] type BS = struct val Array: byte[] val Offset: int val Count: int new (array: byte[]) = { Array = array; Offset = 0; Count = array.Length } new (array: byte[], offset: int, count: int) = { Array = array; Offset = offset; Count = count } static member Compare (a:BS, b:BS) = let x,o,l = a.Array, a.Offset, a.Count let x',o',l' = b.Array, b.Offset, b.Count if x = x' && o = o' && l = l' then 0 elif x = x' then if o = o' then if l < l' then -1 else 1 else if o < o' then -1 else 1 else let foldr res b b' = if res <> 0 then res else if b = b' then 0 elif b < b' then -1 else 1 let left = [| for i in o..(o+l-1) -> x.[i] |] let right = [| for i' in o'..(o'+l'-1) -> x'.[i'] |] Array.fold2 foldr 0 left right override x.Equals(other) = match other with | :? BS as other' -> BS.Compare(x, other') = 0 | _ -> false override x.GetHashCode() = hash x interface System.IComparable with member x.CompareTo(other) = match other with | :? BS as other' -> BS.Compare(x, other') | _ -> invalidArg "other" "Cannot compare a value of another type." end module ByteString = /// An active pattern for conveniently retrieving the properties of a BS. let (|BS|) (x:BS) = x.Array, x.Offset, x.Count let empty = BS() let singleton c = BS(Array.create 1 c, 0, 1) let create arr = BS(arr, 0, arr.Length) let ofArraySegment (segment:ArraySegment) = BS(segment.Array, segment.Offset, segment.Count) let ofSeq s = let arr = Array.ofSeq s in BS(arr, 0, arr.Length) let ofList l = BS(Array.ofList l, 0, l.Length) let ofString (s:string) = s.ToCharArray() |> byte |> create let toSeq (bs:BS) = seq { for i in bs.Offset..(bs.Offset + bs.Count - 1) do yield bs.Array.[i] } let toList (bs:BS) = [ for i in bs.Offset..(bs.Offset + bs.Count - 1) -> bs.Array.[i] ] let toString (bs:BS) = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bs.Array, bs.Offset, bs.Count) let isEmpty (bs:BS) = Contract.Requires(bs.Count >= 0); bs.Count <= 0 let length (bs:BS) = Contract.Requires(bs.Count >= 0); bs.Count let index (bs:BS) pos = Contract.Requires(bs.Offset + pos <= bs.Count) bs.Array.[bs.Offset + pos] let head (bs:BS) = if bs.Count <= 0 then failwith "Cannot take the head of an empty byte string." else bs.Array.[bs.Offset] let tail (bs:BS) = Contract.Requires(bs.Count >= 1) if bs.Count = 1 then empty else BS(bs.Array, bs.Offset+1, bs.Count-1) /// cons uses Buffer.SetByte and Buffer.BlockCopy for efficient array operations. /// Please note that a new array is created and both the head and tail are copied in, /// disregarding any additional bytes in the original tail array. let cons hd (bs:BS) = let x,o,l = bs.Array, bs.Offset, bs.Count in if l = 0 then singleton hd else let buffer = Array.init (l + 1) byte Buffer.SetByte(buffer,0,hd) Buffer.BlockCopy(x,o,buffer,1,l) BS(buffer,0,l+1) /// append uses Buffer.BlockCopy for efficient array operations. /// Please note that a new array is created and both arrays are copied in, /// disregarding any additional bytes in the original, underlying arrays. let append a b = if isEmpty a then b elif isEmpty b then a else let x,o,l = a.Array, a.Offset, a.Count let x',o',l' = b.Array, b.Offset, b.Count let buffer = Array.init (l + l') byte Buffer.BlockCopy(x,o,buffer,0,l) Buffer.BlockCopy(x',o',buffer,l,l') BS(buffer,0,l+l') let fold f seed bs = let rec loop bs acc = if isEmpty bs then acc else let hd, tl = head bs, tail bs loop tl (f acc hd) loop bs seed let span pred (bs:BS) = if isEmpty bs then empty, empty else let x,o,l = bs.Array, bs.Offset, bs.Count let rec loop acc = if l = acc + 1 && pred x.[o+acc] then bs, empty elif not (pred x.[o+acc]) then BS(x,o,acc), BS(x,o+acc,l-acc) else loop (acc+1) loop 0 let split pred bs = span (not << pred) bs let splitAt n (bs:BS) = Contract.Requires(n >= 0) if isEmpty bs then empty, empty elif n = 0 then empty, bs elif n >= bs.Count then bs, empty else let x,o,l = bs.Array, bs.Offset, bs.Count in BS(x,o,n), BS(x,o+n,l-n) let skip n bs = splitAt n bs |> snd let skipWhile pred bs = span pred bs |> snd let skipUntil pred bs = split pred bs |> snd let take n bs = splitAt n bs |> fst let takeWhile pred bs = span pred bs |> fst let takeUntil pred bs = split pred bs |> fst //[/snippet] module FSharp.Collections.Tests.ByteStringTest //[snippet: Tests] open System open FSharp.Collections open FSharp.Collections.ByteString open NUnit.Framework open FsUnit [] let ``test ByteString_length should return the length of the byte string``() = let input = create "Hello, world!"B let actual = length input actual |> should equal 13 let spanAndSplitTests = [| [| box "Howdy! Want to play?"B; box ' 'B; box 6 |] [| box "Howdy! Want to play?"B; box '?'B; box 19 |] [| box "Howdy! Want to play?"B; box '\r'B; box 20 |] |] [] [] let ``test ByteString_span correctly breaks the ByteString on the specified predicate``(input:byte [], breakChar:byte, breakIndex:int) = let str = create input let expected = if input.Length = breakIndex then str, empty else BS(input, 0, breakIndex), BS(input, breakIndex, input.Length - breakIndex) let actual = span ((<>) breakChar) str actual |> should equal expected [] [] let ``test ByteString_split correctly breaks the ByteString on the specified predicate``(input:byte [], breakChar:byte, breakIndex:int) = let str = create input let expected = if input.Length = breakIndex then str, empty else BS(input, 0, breakIndex), BS(input, breakIndex, input.Length - breakIndex) let actual = split ((=) breakChar) str actual |> should equal expected [] let ``test ByteString_span correctly breaks the ByteString on \r``() = let input = "test\r\ntest"B let str = create input let expected = BS(input, 0, 4), BS(input, 4, 6) let actual = span (fun c -> c <> '\r'B && c <> '\n'B) str actual |> should equal expected [] let ``test ByteString_split correctly breaks the ByteString on \r``() = let input = "test\r\ntest"B let str = create input let expected = BS(input, 0, 4), BS(input, 4, 6) let actual = split (fun c -> c = '\r'B || c = '\n'B) str actual |> should equal expected [] let ``test ByteString_splitAt correctly breaks the ByteString on the specified index``() = let input = "Howdy! Want to play?"B let str = create input let expected = BS(input, 0, 6), BS(input, 6, 14) let actual = splitAt 6 str actual |> should equal expected [] let ``test ByteString_fold should concatenate bytes into a string``() = create "Howdy"B |> fold (fun a b -> a + (char b).ToString()) "" |> should equal "Howdy" [] let ``test ByteString_take correctly truncates the ByteString at the selected index``() = let input = "Howdy! Want to play?"B let str = create input let expected = BS(input, 0, 6) let actual = take 6 str actual |> should equal expected [] [] let ``test drop should drop the first n items``([] x) = let input = "Howdy! Want to play?"B let actual = skip 7 (create input) actual |> should equal (BS(input,7,13)) [] let ``test dropWhile should drop anything before the first space``() = let input = create "Howdy! Want to play?"B let dropWhile2Head = skipWhile ((<>) ' 'B) >> head let actual = dropWhile2Head input actual |> should equal ' 'B [] let ``test take should return an empty ArraySegment when asked to take 0``() = let actual = take 0 (create "Nothing should be taken"B) actual |> should equal empty [] let ``test take should return an empty ArraySegment when given an empty ArraySegment``() = let actual = take 4 empty actual |> should equal empty [] [] let ``test take should take the first n items``([] x) = let input = [|0uy..9uy|] let expected = BS(input,0,x) let actual = take x (create input) actual |> should equal expected [] let ``test takeWhile should return an empty ArraySegment when given an empty ArraySegment``() = let actual = takeWhile ((<>) ' 'B) empty actual |> should equal empty [] let ``test takeWhile should take anything before the first space``() = let input = "Hello world"B let actual = takeWhile ((<>) ' 'B) (create input) actual |> should equal (BS(input, 0, 5)) [] let ``test takeUntil should return an empty ArraySegment when given an empty ArraySegment``() = let actual = takeUntil ((=) ' 'B) empty actual |> should equal empty [] let ``test takeUntil should correctly split the input``() = let input = "abcde"B let actual = takeUntil ((=) 'c'B) (create input) actual |> should equal (BS(input, 0, 2)) //[/snippet]