///////Program.fs open System open System.Threading open System.Diagnostics type BarrierHandle(threads:int) = let mutable current = threads let mutable handle = new ManualResetEvent(false) member x.WaitOne() = let h = handle if Interlocked.Decrement(¤t) > 0 then h.WaitOne() |> ignore; else handle <- new ManualResetEvent(false); Interlocked.Exchange(¤t, threads) |> ignore; h.Set() |> ignore; h.Close(); let Approximate(u:double[], v:double[], tmp:double[], rbegin, rend, barrier: BarrierHandle) = let mutable vBv = 0.0 let mutable vv = 0.0 // return element i,j of infinite matrix A let A i j = 1.0 / float((i + j) * (i + j + 1) / 2 + i + 1) // multiply vector v by matrix A let multiplyAv(v:double[], Av:double[]) = for i = rbegin to rend - 1 do let mutable sum = 0.0; for j = 0 to v.Length - 1 do sum <- sum + A i j * v.[j]; Av.[i] <- sum // multiply vector v by matrix A transposed let multiplyAtv(v:double[], atv:double[]) = for i = rbegin to rend - 1 do let mutable sum = 0.0 for j = 0 to v.Length - 1 do sum <- sum + A j i * v.[j]; atv.[i] <- sum; // multiply vector v by matrix A and then by matrix A transposed let multiplyatAv(v:double[], tmp:double[], atAv:double[]) = multiplyAv(v, tmp); barrier.WaitOne(); multiplyAtv(tmp, atAv); barrier.WaitOne(); for i = 0 to 9 do multiplyatAv(u, tmp, v); multiplyatAv(v, tmp, u); for i = rbegin to rend - 1 do vBv <- vBv + u.[i] * v.[i]; vv <- vv + v.[i] * v.[i]; (vBv, vv) let RunGame n = // create unit vector let u = Array.create n 1.0 let tmp = Array.zeroCreate n let v = Array.zeroCreate n let nthread = Environment.ProcessorCount; let barrier = new BarrierHandle(nthread); // create thread and hand out tasks let chunk = n / nthread; // objects contain result of each thread let aps = Async.Parallel [ for i in 0 .. nthread - 1 do let r1 = i * chunk; let r2 = if (i < (nthread - 1)) then r1 + chunk else n yield async { return Approximate(u, v, tmp, r1, r2, barrier) } ] |> Async.RunSynchronously let vBv = aps |> Array.sumBy fst let vv = aps |> Array.sumBy snd Math.Sqrt(vBv / vv); [] let main args = let sw = new Stopwatch () sw.Start () let n = try int <| args.[0] with _ -> 2500 System.Console.WriteLine("{0:f9}", RunGame n); sw.Stop() printfn "Took %d Ticks." sw.ElapsedTicks Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore 0 ///////When run by Mono 2.10.2, this error comes up. (* Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch ---> System.InvalidPro gramException: Invalid IL code in System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:.cctor (): method body is empty. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Program.main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in :0 *) //////////The program was compiled in Visual Studio for .NET 4.0 (not Client Profile). //////////All .NET assemblies the project uses have been copied next to the executable.