open System open System.Text open System.Text.RegularExpressions open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection let check f x = if f x then x else failwithf "format failure \"%s\"" x let parseDecimal x = Decimal.Parse(x, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) let parsers = dict [ 'b', Boolean.Parse >> box 'd', int >> box 'i', int >> box 's', box 'u', uint32 >> int >> box 'x', check (String.forall Char.IsLower) >> ((+) "0x") >> int >> box 'X', check (String.forall Char.IsUpper) >> ((+) "0x") >> int >> box 'o', ((+) "0o") >> int >> box 'e', float >> box // no check for correct format for floats 'E', float >> box 'f', float >> box 'F', float >> box 'g', float >> box 'G', float >> box 'M', parseDecimal >> box 'c', char >> box ] // array of all possible formatters, i.e. [|"%b"; "%d"; ...|] let separators = parsers.Keys |> (fun c -> "%" + sprintf "%c" c) |> Seq.toArray // Creates a list of formatter characters from a format string, // for example "(%s,%d)" -> ['s', 'd'] let rec getFormatters xs = match xs with | '%'::'%'::xr -> getFormatters xr | '%'::x::xr -> if parsers.ContainsKey x then x::getFormatters xr else failwithf "Unknown formatter %%%c" x | x::xr -> getFormatters xr | [] -> [] let sscanf (pf:PrintfFormat<_,_,_,_,'t>) s : 't = let formatStr = pf.Value.Replace("%%", "%") let constants = formatStr.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None) let regex = Regex("^" + String.Join("(.*?)", constants |> Regex.Escape) + "$") let formatters = pf.Value.ToCharArray() // need original string here (possibly with "%%"s) |> Array.toList |> getFormatters let groups = regex.Match(s).Groups |> Seq.cast |> Seq.skip 1 let matches = (groups, formatters) ||> Seq.map2 (fun g f -> g.Value |> parsers.[f]) |> Seq.toArray if matches.Length = 1 then matches.[0] :?> 't else FSharpValue.MakeTuple(matches, typeof<'t>) :?> 't // some basic testing let (a,b) = sscanf "(%%%s,%M)" "(%hello, 4.53)" let (x,y,z) = sscanf "%s-%s-%s" "test-this-string" let (c,d,e,f,g,h,i) = sscanf "%b-%d-%i,%u,%x,%X,%o" "false-42--31,13,ff,FF,42" let (j,k,l,m,n,o,p) = sscanf "%f %F %g %G %e %E %c" "1 2.1 3.4 .3 43.2e32 0 f"