module GrahamScan type Point = { X : int; Y : int } /// finds the points lying on the convex hull of the given set of points and /// returns those points in clockwise direction, starting at the point /// with minimum y-value /// Remarks: it's a more or less direct implementation of the algorithm named /// after Ronald Graham that is explained on let FindConvexHull (pts : Point seq) : Point seq = // it's nicer to work with lists so let's convert let ptl = List.ofSeq pts // to make something worthwhile we need at last two points if ptl.Length <= 2 then Seq.empty else // this is a helperfunction (explained in the wikipedia article) in which direction // 3 points "turn" let ccw (a : Point) (b : Point) (c : Point) = (b.X - a.X)*(c.Y - a.Y) - (b.Y - a.Y)*(c.X - a.X) // 1. Let's find the point with the minimum y-coordinate /// this is the comparision function for this let cmpPts (a : Point) (b : Point) = match a.Y.CompareTo(b.Y) with | 0 -> a.X.CompareTo(b.X) | _ as r -> r // and with it we can look for the mentioned point let sortedY = ptl |> List.sortWith cmpPts let org, rest = sortedY.Head, sortedY.Tail // 2. we have to sort the list in increasing order of the angle // that a point p makes with org and the x-axis let winkelCos (p : Point) = let dx = float (p.X - org.X) let dy = float (p.Y - org.Y) let l = System.Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) dx / l // and here we sort the list (we only sort the remainder without // org and prepend it afterwards to ward of // any issue with "division by zero" let sortedW = org::(rest |> List.sortBy winkelCos) // here is the actual algorithm // it uses two lists // lastPts: every visited point is put but might // be removed if the "turn direction" // 'turns' out to be wrong // nextPts: the points left to be checked // as the algorithm progresses those // points are moved to lastPts // so lastPts will contain the found points // on the convex hull at every step, but in // clockwise orientation (as we push in front // of the list) let rec scan (lastPts : Point list) (nextPts : Point list) = // we are done if there are no points left to check if nextPts.IsEmpty then lastPts else // if there are points left take the first one let c = nextPts.Head match lastPts with // if there are at least 2 points b,a in the visited points // and a,b,c is NOT a counterclockwise turn // we have to remove b from lastPoints and continue checking // backwards ... | b::a::_ when ccw a b c >= 0 -> scan (lastPts.Tail) nextPts // in every other case we can push c onto the visited // stack and continue | _ -> scan (c::lastPts) nextPts.Tail // run it sortedW |> scan [] |> Seq.ofList